Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
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2005-07-10, 19:47
Saxxade från fusksida

det finns chans att åka fast, skyll inte på mig om ni gör det.

[2-6g per 10 minutes/Warlock only]
many of you know about this already i think. but for those who dont: here is a way to farm some money

we all know that most of the money is from elite mobs, commonly in instances. so what we do is farm instance bosses.

the title says warlocks only because i am a warlock and i combined teleport with the curse of doom that deals 3200 dmg after 60seconds. of course any other class is invited to try this as long as it does enough damage and/or can take enough damage.
this only works with bosses that leave you a large area around them to work with. like e.g. the princess in maraudon or tendris warpwood in dire maul.

first off, a word to teleporting with bwh:
since the last patch you cannot just stand there and click teleport. somehow, the server connection is lost and you will experience a rollback, so it will be as if you never teleported.
the bypass is easy. click "w" to run forward, doubleclick the position you want to teleport to and you will be fine. hold "w" until you are where you want to be. the trick is that the client must know that you are moving. when you move, you can even reach big destinations quickly, like riding on a gryphon. but when you stand still and then teleport yourself more than like 40m away, the client kicks your ass ^^

you can use the following coords from any place in kalimdor.


(1) the princess in maraudon

the princess has got about 21000 hp, hits you in close combat for about 400 damage per tick and can take 2000 hp down in about 3seconds. she likes to knock you down from a distance, dealing 300 to 400 damage, if in range.

-enter maraudon. if you are too lazy and are willing to take an additional risk, use the following coords to teleport right in front of the instance entrance (others might believe you just came out of it)

maraudon preInstance:
X 2617.635
Y -1474.141
Z 75.969

-teleport yourself to the princess. use one of the two following coords. you curse of doom the princess and teleport yourself to the other side. soon as the princess gets too close to you, teleport to the other side. when the curse hits the princess, curse her again.
this way, a run takes about 10mins. you can use some other dots and/or destruction spells before teleporting to accelerate the process.

princess left:
X 56.113
Y -65.110
Z -131.158

princess right:
x 5.234
y 94.439
Z -131.158

important: do not teleport when the curse of doom is about to kill the princess. if you do so there is a chance that you will not be able to loot her.

when you finished the princess, teleport to this location, get out of the instance, type /who orgrimmar or whatever and invite some lowlvl. soon as he accepts, make him leader, leave the group and whisper him that you invited the wrong person, or something.

maraudon start, in instance:
X -458.520
Y 1016.830
Z -43.474

it is basically a good idea to modify the speed-meter (the "s" below the x-y-z coords) to about 14. thats epic mount speed. being this fast enables you to approach the princess, curse her and whatever and quickly take distance again.

remember: all coords are taken from bwh 1.4.2. better take the loader as this is more secure and never crashed the wow process since 1.4.1 anymore.

if you're lucky, the princess will drop her scepter, which is worth 4,5gold to the vendor. almost all other items are worth about 1 to 1,5 gold. but EVERY ITEM the princess drops disenchants into a small brillant shard!

the second boss i found out is soloable as a warlock with bwh is tendris warpwood in dire maul west. there is less space to work with plus once he is close enough he hits you for at least 800 and an additional 400 every second or stuff. so you need to teleport more often when doing him.

tendris warpwood has got about 33000 hp, is very strong in close combat and likes to disable you from moving for a while. soon as he does this, teleport youfself. this is the equivalent to what mages do when they are prevented from moving, with their little teleport spell.

heres the coords..

dire maul west, pre instance:
x 1249.719
y -3749.546
z 160.260

tendris warpwood, left:
x 469.996
y -41.571
z -23.305

tendris warpwood, right:
x 469.740
y 69.252
z -23.303

dire maul west start, in instance:
x 158.977
y 33.108
z -3.471

tendris drops some mail girdle (warpwood binding, a hunters item) that is worth about 1,5gold and disenchants into a large brillant shard. he also drops some green staff with 24 int and 1% critchance on casts (stoneflowerstaff), which is worth 5,5gold to the vendor, and disenchants into a large eternal essence. he additionally drops some blue books that start quests for every class - these quests give you the "Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas"
i did not find any other drops from tendris so far.

[CHack 1.1]

Fly Like Superman: Fly around anywhere fully controllable (Use right click to go up and down).

Excorist Run: Run around like you are a Zombie. (My favorite)

Walk Underwater: Allows you to run/walk underwater.

Remove Trees: Remove all Tree's within your character's radius.

Disable Fog: Completely Disable's All Fog In the Zone including Underneath Water.

Remove All Terrain: Completely remove everything: Trees, Objects etc.

Red Enviroment: Turns All Enviroments In the Current Zone Red.

Green EnviroMent: Turns All Enviroments in the Current Zone Green.

Add Fog: Add's Alot of Fog within the radius of your character.

Mountain Climb: Climb Mountains/Hills.

Teleport To Plane: Pass Monsters without being hit, use minimap to navigate.

Super Jump: Lets you jump very high in the air.

No Dazed: Never get dazed or take on movement speed reduction effects.


::Red Enviroment Hack::


::Green Enviroment Hack::


::Fog Hack::

Normal Goldshire Fog:
Disable Fog:
Add Fog:


Read the read me that comes in the download for installation instructions.

Attention: To use Fly like Superman you must first activate the hack and then swim into water or lava and get out and you will be be able to fly, this must be done for CHack to grab the appriopiate pointers. Use your mouse and keyboard to move you around.

Also Remember you cannot fly to high or you will crash to character select screen.



Video Of the hack *Fly like Superman*

You Can download it here:

[Free repairs on non-soulbound items]

1. Item must be compleatly unsable i.e Durability 0/75 (red) and NOT soulbound or stackable

2. Wrap it up using wrapping paper (i used blue but i dont think it matters about the colour)

3. Open it

4. Fixed
2005-07-11, 01:53
Val vart att se.
2005-07-11, 07:50
Simps avatar
Haha! Tur att man slutade spela för ett tag sen... orka när folk flyger omkring liksom. :shoot2:
2005-07-11, 10:57
ztorms avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Simp
Haha! Tur att man slutade spela för ett tag sen... orka när folk flyger omkring liksom. :shoot2:
Dom kommer bli bannade rätt så snart dock.
2005-07-11, 22:34
Det finns ett knep som gör så att man inte blir bannad när man använder teleportfusk, men för att undvika att det slutar fungera tänker jag inte säga hur man gör.
2005-07-11, 22:39
Ursprungligen postat av kevaan
Det finns ett knep som gör så att man inte blir bannad när man använder teleportfusk, men för att undvika att det slutar fungera tänker jag inte säga hur man gör.

Vad ar det for javla mening att skriva ett inlagg da? fan sluta ljuga ditt barn. Det finns inget satt att vara osynlig pa blizzards servrar, vet dom vad dom letar efter hittar dom det pa sekunden din idiot.
2005-07-12, 00:43
Vad är det för sorts inlägg?

Jag har inte sagt att man kan vara osynlig, bara att det finns ett knep så man undivker att bli bannad om man använder teleportfusk. Tro vad du vill.
2005-07-12, 00:58
Knarkads avatar
Ursprungligen postat av kevaan
Vad är det för sorts inlägg?

Jag har inte sagt att man kan vara osynlig, bara att det finns ett knep så man undivker att bli bannad om man använder teleportfusk. Tro vad du vill.
Det KalleKofot antagligen menar att du kan aldrig vara osynlig från Blizzards monitorer, och det har han nog rätt i. Att förflytta sig från ett ställe till ett annat ganska fort gör att säkert några mods får upp ögonen.
2005-07-12, 01:09
Jag förstår vad han menar, men jag säger att det GÅR att unvika GMs ögon genom att använda knepet som jag talar om.

För övrigt KalleKofot, filmen är riktigt fin :P

Det är lite synd att Caverns of Time-exploiten inte fungerar längre.
2005-07-12, 02:58
El Guttos avatar
en jävligt skön grej om man vill reseta instancer själv e att göra denna macro:
/invite "nån snubbe som redan e i party eller raid /who mc finns alltid nån"
/script LeaveParty()

vet ej om detta e nått exploit men har inte hört att nån blivit bannad av det.
2005-07-12, 05:29
fnuskes avatar
Det är ju intressant med teleport exploiten då förr när exploiten var ny kunde man helt sonika porta mellan ore ställen och få jävligt mycket dylikt under väldigt kort tid. Men sen dess har de satt så att om din karaktär flyger runt hela zonen (sträckor större än cliprange) så rapporteras det automatiskt till GM för undersökning (undantaget får väl vara hearthstenen). Så nej man är knappast osynlig på en wow server. Men antar att trådskparen har något charmigt sätt att gå runt det.

Förövrigt så är det ju inte enbart Warlock som skulle kunna klara av det där, tror jävligt många klasser skulle klara av Warpwood och Prinsessan förutom warlock. Det är ju dock knappast värt risken för några få G, finns säkert mycket bättre användningsområden för det hacket.
2005-07-12, 05:41
Ännu värre var när alla ovaktade kistor fanns kvar, då kunde man farma dom otroligt lätt och snabbt; jag tror ni har sett filmen på warcraftmovies. Det finns fortfarande vissa kistor som man kan farma om man är bra
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