Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2008-05-15, 22:05
Jag gillar att ha mitt skrivbord helt rent men den där j*vla papperskorgen går ju inte att flytta på, finns det något sätt att göra så att den istället för ikon ligger i t.ex. snabbstarts fältet eller liknande?
2008-05-15, 22:08
skgs avatar


Hiding the Recycle Bin

How do you remove the Recycle Bin icon from the desktop? Microsoft removed the other icons from the desktop but not the Recycle Bin icon. I suppose it's because emptying the trash wouldn't be as easy without it.

Listing 1 hides the Recycle Bin. There are different ways to hide the icon, but this is the best method. It hides the Recycle Bin icon whether you're using the classic or new Start menu. Use Notepad to create a text file called Hidebin.reg. Copy Listing 1 to Hidebin.reg, and then double-click the file to import it into the registry. If you miss the Recycle Bin icon and want to show it again, create the text file Showbin.reg and copy Listing 2 in to it. Double-click Showbin.reg to restore the Recycle Bin icon to the desktop.

Both listings require you to refresh the desktop in order to see your changes. To do that, click anywhere on the desktop, and then press F5.
2008-05-15, 22:11
tackar så mycket

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