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2007-12-27, 00:00
Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain

Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain

Last updated at 07:00am on 20th December 2007
Britain's rising immigrant population has bumped the Muslim name Mohammed into second place in the latest list of most popular boys' names (file picture)

For the last 13 years Jack has been the most popular boys' name in the land.

But in multicultural Britain children named after the Muslim prophet Mohammed come a close second.

In a reflection of the increasing influence of Islam, figures released yesterday showed the most popular spelling of the name - Mohammed - had climbed five places to 17th in the annual list of top baby names.

However, when the seven other spellings of the name are taken into account, the total comes to 6,347 babies, making it the second most popular name of the year - up from 5,936 last year.

Although Jack topped the list with 6,772 babies, that figure fell 156 on last year, meaning if the trends were repeated next year, Mohammed and its variant spellings would be the most popular choice in England and Wales.

The other spellings are Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamed and Mohammod.

The last national census in 2001 put the UK Muslim population at 1.6million, but this will have grown substantially in the past five years.

2007-12-27, 23:57
Ursprungligen postat av E.Eriksson
Vad säger ni? Är Morrissey bara en förvirrad rasist eller, hemska tanke, kan det ligga något i det han säger?
Finns en liten gnutta sanning från officiellt håll
White Britons will be a minority in a dozen towns within 30 years....Sukhvinder Stubbs, of the Barrow Cadbury Trust which commissioned the study, said:"Regardless of future immigration patterns, it is just a matter of time until cities such as Birmingham become plural."Even if we prohibited another single soul from entering the country, the trends have already laid root."

2008-04-04, 09:42
Morrissey får ursäkt efter rasistanklagelser

På tapeten igen
Nu tvingas tidningen Word Magazine att ta tillbaka rasistanklagelserna mot popikonen Morrissey. Hur det går med stämningen mot musiktidningen är fortsatt oklart.

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