Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2022-10-01, 10:32
wwrs avatar
Här kan svaret vara på varför media så gärna publicerar artiklar om ransomware. Speciellt för ett par år sedan kom det ofta sådana artiklar.

Man kommer att öka central kontroll av Internet: Typ "GPRS till folket". Det kanske låter bra med skydd av data, men med tanke på t.ex. EU:s generella hållning är det nog risk för mer central kontroll och mer verktyg att kontrollera företagen och oss.

Den här hackaren ångrade sig och bad om ursäkt! Känns som propaganda.
The biggest hack in history: Australians scramble to change passports and driver licences after Optus telco data debacle

telecommunications giant ‘left the window open’ for unsophisticated attack that could lead to European-style privacy laws

With millions of others, she went about trying to change her driver’s licence. She even had a bar put on her own credit report, ...

The alleged hacker – who threatened to sell the data unless a ransom was paid – took names, birth dates, phone numbers, addresses, and passport, healthcare and drivers’ license details from Optus, the country’s second-largest telecommunications company.

The Australian government is looking at overhauling privacy laws

It is also considering a European Union-style system of financial penalties for companies that fail to protect their customers.

“We are businessmen,” Optusdata wrote in an online forum. “1.000.000$US is a lot of money and will keep to our word.”
As Optus and the federal government dealt with the fallout, the alleged hacker had a change of mind and offered their “deepest apology”.

*Names have been changed.
Senast redigerad av wwr 2022-10-01 kl. 10:56.

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