Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2016-04-19, 18:25

For those interested in discussing and learning about the international drug control conventions.
Senast redigerad av LICHTEN.DASH 2016-04-19 kl. 18:43.
2016-04-19, 22:07
klybans avatar
LoL, det första man ser är Silvias tryne, i din översta länk(i tweets).
Hur havererade hennes syn på droger är, det vet vi sedan innan.
2016-04-23, 21:00
The brain drain is more substantial than ever within the UN. Bureaucrats demonstrated a wealth of parroting rhetoric and a lack of inherent substance.

Below is an attempt at introducing some perspective on the UNgass in a press briefing by the GCDP which may actually be worth a scrub trough, moderated by Ethan Nadelmann (Drug Policy Alliance). Youtube Link

This is an article about the press event linked above by The Guardian: Article Link

Here's a quote from said article of Richard Bransons' (member of the GCDP) opening remarks from the press event.
The declaration of the UN general assembly special session (UNgass) on drugs agreed this week is long on rhetoric and short on substance. Many key issues are missing. It does not call for an end to criminalization and incarceration and capital punishment for drug-related offenses. It fails to request the World Health Organization to review drug scheduling. It does not explain how to ensure treatment for users and says nothing about regulation.

The UNgass declaration is out of step with mounting evidence and with public sentiment. Rather than offer practical solutions based on science, it doubles down on the status quo. It comprehensively fails to acknowledge harm reduction and regulatory innovations – many of them successful – taking place around the world. It does not go nearly far enough.

Part of the reason UNgass failed to deliver is because the process was fatally flawed from the beginning. Let me explain...

If you're curious about Nadelmann he was a guest on the podcast "JRE" and there's a bunch of media coverage of his work overall on Yt. Podcast Episode Link
2016-04-24, 20:10
Two pieces on UNGASS by VICE.

An Interview with Nick Clegg About the Government's Drug Problem

Everything You Need to Know About the UN's Big Drug Convention

Again, give it a view.

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