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2009-05-12, 16:19
Dexxys avatar
Ursprungligen postat av kr0owe
Dukes röst är ju något jävla dryg med, ingen inlevelse för fem öre.

"Blow it our your ass!"
2009-05-12, 16:31
volvo 240s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av kr0owe Om denna film är äkta så kan jag inte direkt påstå att det är något speciellt för att ha varit i utveckling i 10+år, efter 10 år förväntar man ju sig något riktigt grymt (i alla fall jag).

Dukes röst är ju något jävla dryg med, ingen inlevelse för fem öre.

Inte följt tråden så vet inte om någon redan har länkat till den.
Tycker det gameplay man ser, dvs han springer runt och gör saker ser bra ut för det mesta. Tex sekvensen 30 sekunder in. Ser himla bra ut.

Angående Dukes röst, är du kättare?

Anyway, nåt som vore kul skulle va om tredjepersonspelen med Duke tex Time To Kill fanns på PC.
Senast redigerad av volvo 240 2009-05-12 kl. 16:34.
2009-05-16, 20:41
Elmamans avatar
Nu verkar det som 3D Realms blir stämda också.

Jag kan inte hitta nån källa till det som är skrivet
2009-05-16, 21:15
volvo 240s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Elmaman
Nu verkar det som 3D Realms blir stämda också.

Jag kan inte hitta nån källa till det som är skrivet
Då kan väl take2 snabbt ta och låta nån annan färdigställa spelet.
Måste ju finnas massor med färdigt material.
2009-05-16, 21:16
BRZMs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av volvo 240
Då kan väl take2 snabbt ta och låta nån annan färdigställa spelet.
Måste ju finnas massor med färdigt material.

After all these years kan man ju ändå hoppas på det.
2009-05-16, 21:51
ORUNITIAs avatar
Väldigt tråkig nyhet
2009-05-16, 22:06
Stormfires avatar
Vad som hände:

The story I got from my brother was long and drawn out, but my understanding is that basically they were running low on capital and fully expected to get an injection from the publisher. Because of an old fight with the publisher (3DR apparently audited them on Max Payne earnings and found they were holding back, so the relationship was already hurt after that) there was some personal aspect to why they chose not to invest.

Plus, I'm sure the general outlook of the economy didn't help and then, to be fair, what credibility did 3DR have left after promising for years? As the other fellow said, even if it looked like they were so close, how could anyone be sure someone wouldn't make a dumb move and decide start over again or whatever.

I don't know all of the details, but I know the 3DR folks were just as shocked that they came this close only to have the rug pulled out. I heard they even shopped this to Valve, id, and other studios begging out of respect for the IP for loans to keep this thing going just long enough to tie it up. But of course everyone else has their money tied up into their own current projects. The money for this sort of thing has been drying up and people aren't willing to toss it to someone with such a poor track record, even if they see the game is nearly done. It's just too risky.

What I saw, and again, this was nearly a year ago, was a LOT of stuff that refers to or directly mimics D3D. There were, for example, levels you played through then you'd get shrunk and play them through going backwards except now you're small and everything is different from that perspective. I heard rumor of a level where Duke gets shrunk and hops in an RC car and drives around for a while, jumping off pool tables and whatnot.

I think they were clearly trying to give the player those recognizable moments, with a few twists here and there. The story, as best I could tell from the few levels I played through, was essentially Duke vs. Aliens again, but it certainly started out differently and went in a few different directions.

The reason you start off playing the Duke 3D "arcade", I gathered, was because there's some slowness after that where you're Duke and you're walking around in your huge Duke mansion (you literally have a Duke throne in one part of this huge building). I don't know how the story progresses from there, but that's how I understood it started off. I think the idea (then, it may have changed) was that Duke has everything at this point, he's a rich super hero in his mega-building in Vegas, and he's beginning to get bored with things when suddenly, and conveniently, a huge alien ship crashes.

Lots could have changed since that time, but from what I've seen of my bro's renders and movies from the game more recently, mostly it all looks like the same stuff I saw a year ago just a little more polished.

If this is a publicity stunt and 3DR really hasn't gone under, then they've got the employees convinced it's real too. My bro has submitted resumes and setup a portfolio site. He's making calls. He clearly believes he's out of work right now. So while I'd love for it to be a huge stunt, I think it's a little late for that.

I don't want to say too much more than what I believe is already out on the net in different pieces. Maybe it doesn't matter at this point, but George could easily figure out who I am and who my brother is and I don't want to bring anything down on his head or hurt that relationship.

My understanding from my bro and stories I've heard is that George is genuinely a great guy who tried to do everything he could to prevent this from happening. Maybe he was part of the problem at one point by being too much of a perfectionist, I don't know, but I get the feeling his love of Duke and this IP was always well intentioned.

My guess is that someone will ultimately get the IP and do something with it. So while 3DR seems dead, I doubt this is the last we've heard of Duke. I just hope someone terrible doesn't buy it and farm it out to some generic studio that doesn't care for the project.
2009-05-17, 01:02
Riktigt synd, Duke Nukem var ju ett av de första jag började spela på PC...

2009-05-17, 04:58
KönsKlass avatar
Goda nyheter. Nu kan vi gå vidare utan att behöva dras med all menlös hype kring det här skämtprojektet. Kan man inte släppa ett spel på över 10 år, så ska man fan dra sig tillbaks och kanske fundera på om man får mer nytta av att sälja stjärt i något svagt belyst gatuhörn. Synd att de inte kunde gå i graven lite tidigare.
2009-05-19, 00:20
teowinds avatar

Despite rumors and statements to the contrary, 3D Realms (3DR) has not closed and is not closing. 3DR retains ownership of the Duke Nukem franchise. Due to lack of funding, however, we are saddened to confirm that we let the Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) development team go on May 6th, while we regroup as a company. While 3DR is a much smaller studio now, we will continue to operate as a company and continue to license and co-create games based upon the Duke Nukem franchise.

Verkar som om 3DR blivit riktigt körda av Take-Two.
2009-05-19, 00:38
krutburkens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av volvo 240
Angående Dukes röst, är du kättare?

Tycker inte heller rösten är direkt bra. Ljudmässigt är den helt rätt, men inte alls rätt inlevelse för min smak
2009-05-19, 04:13
Trillskes avatar
Samma nyhet, men shack äger.

Så 3DR stänger inte, och det verkar som att det kan vara precis så illa som man spekulerat i; att take2 försökte göra en superdeal och roffa åt sig Duke billigt.

Blir nog en intressant fortsättning. Synd att spelet sitter fast i mitten av röran bara.
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