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Ibland blir det jobbigt när man försöker diskutera med en AI (LLM) om grundläggande fakta men den vägrar acceptera objektiv fakta.
Google Gemini förnekar alltså
objektiv fakta. Vilka AI-modeller finns det som fungerar bra men kommunicerar med fakta istället för att konstant stoppa sig själva med någon inbyggt "woke"-spärr? Bonus om de kan köras lokalt på datorn utan uppkoppling till internet.
Grok gör ju reklam av att den inte styrs av åsiktsspärrar (idéfattigt namn: woke), men jag är osäker på hur mycket detta stämmer.
EDIT: Put to the test
Do you have an explanation of why immigrants (and people of immigration decent) in Sweden are convicted of rape in much higher proportion than native Swedes?
The issue of higher conviction rates for rape among immigrants and people of immigrant descent in Sweden is complex and involves multiple factors. Here are several key points to consider based on available data:
Legal and Statistical Factors:
Sweden's legal definitions of rape are among the broadest in Europe, which might lead to higher reported and convicted rates compared to other countries. This includes changes in legislation in 2005 and 2018 that expanded what constitutes rape, potentially affecting statistics by increasing the number of cases that fall under this category.
Reporting rates in Sweden are higher due to a high level of trust in the judicial system and a strong culture of gender equality, which encourages reporting.
Socioeconomic and Cultural Factors:
Studies show that immigrants, particularly from certain regions, tend to have higher rates of criminal charges, including rape, which can be partly explained by socio-economic factors like poverty, unemployment, and living in segregated areas.
Cultural differences in understanding consent and gender roles have been suggested as contributing factors, although these are controversial and sensitive issues.
Demographic and Integration Challenges:
The demographic composition of immigrants, often younger and male, might play a role since crime rates, including sexual offenses, are generally higher among younger males.
Challenges in integration, particularly for recent immigrants, including language barriers, lack of employment, and social isolation, can correlate with crime rates.
Data and Research:
Research has shown that immigrants and their descendants are overrepresented in rape convictions, with some studies indicating that up to 58% of convicted rapists in recent years were foreign-born. However, these statistics often do not account for underreported cases or the complexities of socio-economic status.
There has been significant debate, and in some cases, controversy, over how these statistics are interpreted and used in public discourse, with accusations of both underreporting and over-emphasizing the immigrant link to crime.
Political and Public Discourse:
The topic has become politically charged, with some parties and individuals using these statistics to argue for stricter immigration policies, while others argue that such discussions can fuel xenophobia and racism.
There's a tension between discussing the factual data and avoiding stigmatization, which leads to a nuanced public debate about crime, integration, and immigration policy.
Understanding this issue requires acknowledging both the factual data and the broader social, legal, and cultural contexts in which these statistics exist. It's crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity to avoid oversimplification and to promote a discourse that leads to constructive solutions in terms of integration, education, and legal practices.