Har försökt ta mig genom sömnpiller boken!
Kolla den nedre videon som innehåller WEF 8 punkter "you will own nothing..."
Går dessa 8 punkter att hitta i Great Reset boken av Schwab/Malleret?
Några verkar finnas med
Punkt 1:
Det nämns i boken att den yngre generationen kommer i mindre utsträckning att äga sina bostäder, och att leveranser kommer ske med drönare.
Punkt 2:
WEF vill ha ett starkare FN? I kapitel 1.4 kommer mycket där jag bara bitvis hänger med i texten.
European Union has often been used as an example to illustrate the pertinence of the conceptual framework offered by the trilemma. Combining economic integration (a proxy for globalization) with democracy implies that the important decisions have to be made at a supranational level, which somehow weakens the sovereignty of the nation state.
The vote for Brexit and the election of President Trump on a protectionist platform are two momentous markers of the Western backlash against globalization.
rejection of globalization by voters is a rational response when the economy is strong and inequality is high.
Vad skulle hända om man vänder på det sista? Kommer väljare tycka bättre om globalisering om ekonomin är svag och alla är mer jämlika? Är det därför vi ser så mycket nu om HBTQ, BLM och annat Woke?
Punkt 3:
sid 116
Automation and robots are reconfiguring the way businesses operate with staggering speed and returns on scale inconceivable just a few years ago. Innovation in genetics, with synthetic biology now on the horizon, is also exciting, paving the way for developments in healthcare that are groundbreaking.
Punkt 4:
I en del av en mening hittar vi (sid 50)
like advocating for less meat or fewer flights.
Punkt 6:
sid 110 och 113
Governments led by enlightened leaders will make their stimulus packages conditional upon green commitments. They will, for example, provide more generous financial conditions for companies with low-carbon business models.
The European Green Deal launched by the European Commission is a massive endeavour and the most tangible manifestation yet of public authorities deciding not to let the COVID-19 crisis go to waste.
En intressant fråga: Var det en slump att Ukraina kriget startade några veckor innan Nord Stream 2 skulle tas i drift?
På sid 130
It is true that in the post-pandemic era, personal health and well-being will become a much greater priority for society, which is why the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back into the bottle.
Är Vaccin passen här för att stanna?
Andra reflektioner om Schwab...
sid 64
In the future, will society accept that a star hedge fund manager who specializes in short-selling (whose contribution to economic and social welfare is doubtful, at best) can receive an income in the millions per year while a nurse (whose contribution to social welfare is incontrovertible) earns an infinitesimal fraction of that amount?
sid 72
--- all countries will have to adapt to greater government intervention ---
--- Taxation will increase, particularly for the most privileged ---
Från vilken sida i politiken brukar vi höra det?
Se på bilden här på Schwab, han har en byst på Lenin i hyllan bakom sig.
Är det den person som Scwhab ser upp till?