Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
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2019-05-09, 18:44
bellevue mosken drivs väl av *li kh*ns överhuvud i familjen??? *=A
Senast redigerad av MadMan1 2019-05-09 kl. 19:02.
2019-05-09, 20:32
TheJackets avatar
Det var en förvirrad pundare. Vapnet som hittades i hans lägenhet var en atrapp. Ingen idé att spekulera mer.
2019-05-10, 08:44
Ursprungligen postat av Machiavelly
Med andra ord en människa som uppenbarligen inte kan må psykiskt bra efter alla ”upplevelser” på dessa platser. Skulle inte förvåna mig om han redan begått krigsbrott. I vilket fall som helst så är dessa människor såna otroligt fega kräk som vill skjuta oskyldiga barn och vuxna medan de ber i moskén, totalt försvarslösa. Sen ska sympatisörerna komma här på FB och leka tuffa vikingar. Snälla, logga ut och skaffa er ett jobb.

Han kanske inte mår psykiskt bra efter upplevelsen att leva under en muslimsk ockupation?
Nej dom är hjältar och inte fega kräk eftersom de gör något åt ockupanterna, det är synd att inte Sverige fick en hjälte som Brenton Tarrant, denna underbara hjälte.

Men vi kommer snart ha en eftersom allt fler börjar tröttna på detta mångkulturella helvete som vi lever i så det bästa du kan göra är att åka hem till Albanien igen så slipper du vara med när det brakar loss.

Albanien är det inget krig i så jag förstår inte varför du inte vill åka hem till ditt älskade hemland och hjälpa till och bygga upp skiten?
2019-05-29, 19:49
swede1775s avatar
Ooh the price of fame!
I'm the person you guys are writing about in this thread.

This is what happened!

After a Doctors appointment in the close proximity of the Bellevue Mosque I decided to visit the mosque to find out it the "Friday Prayer" was held in Swedish or Arabic. Reason for doing so was that I had been told the prayer was held in Arabic.
Reason for wanting to participate in the Friday prayer was to hear what message the Iman was sending out to his followers.
My interest in this was to hear what could possible be intemperate by "Radical Muslims" to make them leave the sanctuary of peaceful Sweden and go to Syria, Iraq or some other fu*king third world country and fight, blow themself up and die for the "Islamic State. At no time did I ask about where the emergency exits where or when there is the most visitors of the Mosque.
The answer I got was to come back the following day and I could get my answers answered by the Iman.

The following day I was awakened by the Police who wanted to know what I did at the Mosque. I told them the reason for visiting the Mosque. After explaining myself the Police Officers told me they believed I was under the influence of Illegal drugs. They demanded a urine sample but since I can't piss on command I suggested a blood sample to verify that I had no illegal drugs in my system. As we went of to the Hospital for the taking of my blood the Police obtained a "Search Warrant" and conducted a search of my home. This is when the found the "Replica" Kalashnikov AK47"
I don't know how much weapons training Swedish Police Cadettes get but a blind Squirrel on crutches would be able to tell the difference of my "Replica" and a REAL AK47. So was not the case and I was taken to the Police Station and told I was charged with "Preparation for Murder", "Narcotics Crime" and "Unlawful possession of a Firearm"
After three day in Jail I was released and all charges was dropped!

Way to go Swedish Justice system!!!
2019-05-29, 20:06
Ursprungligen postat av swede1775
Ooh the price of fame!
I'm the person you guys are writing about in this thread.

This is what happened!

After a Doctors appointment in the close proximity of the Bellevue Mosque I decided to visit the mosque to find out it the "Friday Prayer" was held in Swedish or Arabic. Reason for doing so was that I had been told the prayer was held in Arabic.
Reason for wanting to participate in the Friday prayer was to hear what message the Iman was sending out to his followers.
My interest in this was to hear what could possible be intemperate by "Radical Muslims" to make them leave the sanctuary of peaceful Sweden and go to Syria, Iraq or some other fu*king third world country and fight, blow themself up and die for the "Islamic State. At no time did I ask about where the emergency exits where or when there is the most visitors of the Mosque.
The answer I got was to come back the following day and I could get my answers answered by the Iman.

The following day I was awakened by the Police who wanted to know what I did at the Mosque. I told them the reason for visiting the Mosque. After explaining myself the Police Officers told me they believed I was under the influence of Illegal drugs. They demanded a urine sample but since I can't piss on command I suggested a blood sample to verify that I had no illegal drugs in my system. As we went of to the Hospital for the taking of my blood the Police obtained a "Search Warrant" and conducted a search of my home. This is when the found the "Replica" Kalashnikov AK47"
I don't know how much weapons training Swedish Police Cadettes get but a blind Squirrel on crutches would be able to tell the difference of my "Replica" and a REAL AK47. So was not the case and I was taken to the Police Station and told I was charged with "Preparation for Murder", "Narcotics Crime" and "Unlawful possession of a Firearm"
After three day in Jail I was released and all charges was dropped!

Way to go Swedish Justice system!!!

Which exact mosque did you visit, to my knowledge there's a couple of them around Bellevue?

If all you've said is fairly true l'm glad you have no criminal charges pending.
2019-05-29, 22:02
Vekrusets avatar
Ursprungligen postat av swede1775
Ooh the price of fame!
I'm the person you guys are writing about in this thread.

This is what happened!

After a Doctors appointment in the close proximity of the Bellevue Mosque I decided to visit the mosque to find out it the "Friday Prayer" was held in Swedish or Arabic. Reason for doing so was that I had been told the prayer was held in Arabic.
Reason for wanting to participate in the Friday prayer was to hear what message the Iman was sending out to his followers.
My interest in this was to hear what could possible be intemperate by "Radical Muslims" to make them leave the sanctuary of peaceful Sweden and go to Syria, Iraq or some other fu*king third world country and fight, blow themself up and die for the "Islamic State. At no time did I ask about where the emergency exits where or when there is the most visitors of the Mosque.
The answer I got was to come back the following day and I could get my answers answered by the Iman.

The following day I was awakened by the Police who wanted to know what I did at the Mosque. I told them the reason for visiting the Mosque. After explaining myself the Police Officers told me they believed I was under the influence of Illegal drugs. They demanded a urine sample but since I can't piss on command I suggested a blood sample to verify that I had no illegal drugs in my system. As we went of to the Hospital for the taking of my blood the Police obtained a "Search Warrant" and conducted a search of my home. This is when the found the "Replica" Kalashnikov AK47"
I don't know how much weapons training Swedish Police Cadettes get but a blind Squirrel on crutches would be able to tell the difference of my "Replica" and a REAL AK47. So was not the case and I was taken to the Police Station and told I was charged with "Preparation for Murder", "Narcotics Crime" and "Unlawful possession of a Firearm"
After three day in Jail I was released and all charges was dropped!

Way to go Swedish Justice system!!!

Om det du skriver stämmer, så springer verkligen polisen muslimernas ärenden.
2019-05-29, 23:11
lyktstolpes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av T|N|X
Jag vet inte, de kanske har sina procedurer de måste följa oavsett.

Året då amerikanska revolutionen började?
Kan såklart finnas massa andra saker som åsyftas.

I vilket sammanhang dök 1775 upp?
Vet inte om du fick svar men:

Alla hans konton på sociala medier hade 1775 i namnet.

Samma sak som den som skrivit två texter upp har 1775 i namnet vilket bör göra att det är han på riktigt och inget troll.

Hej @swede1775, intressant att höra din syn på det hela. I övrigt har jag inga synpunkter på något då jag var mest intresserad av årtalet i ditt nick.
Senast redigerad av lyktstolpe 2019-05-29 kl. 23:21.
2019-05-30, 05:48
swede1775s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av gottmooos
Which exact mosque did you visit, to my knowledge there's a couple of them around Bellevue?

If all you've said is fairly true l'm glad you have no criminal charges pending.

I visited the large main mosque at Bellevu!
2019-05-30, 05:50
swede1775s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av lyktstolpe
Vet inte om du fick svar men:

Alla hans konton på sociala medier hade 1775 i namnet.

Samma sak som den som skrivit två texter upp har 1775 i namnet vilket bör göra att det är han på riktigt och inget troll.

Hej @swede1775, intressant att höra din syn på det hela. I övrigt har jag inga synpunkter på något då jag var mest intresserad av årtalet i ditt nick.

The U.S. Marine Corps was founded November 10th 1775
2019-05-30, 09:19
lyktstolpes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av swede1775
The U.S. Marine Corps was founded November 10th 1775

Alltid intressant med historiska åratal,
2019-05-30, 12:35
Ursprungligen postat av swede1775
I visited the large main mosque at Bellevu!

Closer to the tracks or closer to the water?
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