Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2019-02-04, 17:33
Finisterres avatar
Ursprungligen postat av klyban
Men varför detta prat om karavaner som visar sig aldrig komma fram?
Inser den är bara en att rikta uppmärksamheten åt annat håll.
Orsaken att karavanerna diskuteras här är att detta är tråden som heter Karavanerna som är på väg mot USA. Det finns politiska anledningar som du har fått förklarat för dig, anledningar som du inte vill begripa. Ditt dilemma är att du vägrar förstå att karavanen redan har kommit fram, och att du alltså aldrig kan sluta fråga när karavanen kommer. Du kommer aldrig att komma ur det dilemmat genom att upprepa frågan, och du bör sluta grubbla.
Här är frågorna om karavanen/karavaner som du behöver tänka på:

Förstår du själv vad du försökt säga?
Förstår du att det du skrivit inte är svenska?
Bryr du dig om ifall du lyckas kommunicera något begripligt eller inte?
Vad försöker du säga?
Senast redigerad av Finisterre 2019-02-04 kl. 17:36.
2019-07-18, 17:46
Prayuths avatar
Majoritet av mexikaner vill utvisa migranter i mätning

Fler än 6 av 10 mexikaner säger att invandrare är en börda för landet och att de tar jobb och förmåner som borde tillhöra mexikaner. Det visar en ny undersökning som Washington Post har gjort tillsammans med den mexikanska tidningen Reforma.

En majoritet på 55 procent tycker att migranter som reser genom Mexiko för att nå USA ska utvisas.

33 procent av mexikanerna tycker att Mexiko ska ge dem en tillfällig bostad och sju procent tycker att Mexiko borde erbjuda dem bostad.
2019-07-18, 17:51
FlashyBears avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Prayuth

Jävla rasister! Man äcklas!
2020-01-16, 21:53
Ördögs avatar
Caramba! Ny karavan på väg!

Honduran migrants in new US-bound caravan enter Guatemala
Hundreds of people in the vanguard of a new migrant caravan from Honduras forced their way across the border with Guatemala on Wednesday, intent on reaching the United States.
Around 400 men, women and children who set out from the northern Honduran town of San Pedro Sula on Tuesday, massed near the border town of Corinto on Wednesday.

The crowd refused to register with the migration services and forced their way through a line of border police to the Guatemalan side.
Would-be migrants, "mostly from rural areas," according to Fuentes, were alerted to the caravan through social media messages, which were then picked up by television channels.

"Here there's no work for anyone. I was studying ... but for nothing because there are many graduates with the diploma under their arm but without finding work," Yoly Sabillon, 28, told AFP.

Before joining the caravan she left her three children aged three, seven and 13 with her mother.
Lilla Yoly blev mamma som femtonåring. Strongt ...

Det finns i detta nu 1.377 kommentarer på artikeln!
2020-01-18, 15:27
Finisterres avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Ördög
Caramba! Ny karavan på väg!

Honduran migrants in new US-bound caravan enter Guatemala
Hundreds of people in the vanguard of a new migrant caravan from Honduras forced their way across the border with Guatemala on Wednesday, intent on reaching the United States.
Around 400 men, women and children who set out from the northern Honduran town of San Pedro Sula on Tuesday, massed near the border town of Corinto on Wednesday.

The crowd refused to register with the migration services and forced their way through a line of border police to the Guatemalan side.
Would-be migrants, "mostly from rural areas," according to Fuentes, were alerted to the caravan through social media messages, which were then picked up by television channels.

"Here there's no work for anyone. I was studying ... but for nothing because there are many graduates with the diploma under their arm but without finding work," Yoly Sabillon, 28, told AFP.

Before joining the caravan she left her three children aged three, seven and 13 with her mother.
Lilla Yoly blev mamma som femtonåring. Strongt ...

Det finns i detta nu 1.377 kommentarer på artikeln!

Massor väntar i Mexiko

Center for Immigration Studies

'I want Trump out!'
TAPACUHLA, Mexico — Honduran Katherine Cabrera is among thousands of migrants who didn't expect to get bottled up in this southern Mexican city, unable to proceed to the American border as planned, because of President Donald Trump's insistence that Mexico block them with troop deployments and whatever else the Mexicans could come up with.

In this calculus and in their perhaps surprising savvy about national American politics and timing, Cabrera has plenty of company all over Tapachula, where thousands like her have been forced to pool up for long asylum process waits or returns home.

Dozens of politically woke migrants, like Honduran Wilson Valladaras, recently told CIS their decisions to stay in Mexico were predicated on the Trump-defeat gamble. Valladaras said he would wait for his Mexican asylum approval, move to Tijuana "until Trump leaves", and then cross over the U.S. border when the Democrats undo his policies because "right now, the Americans will throw you back" to Mexico.
2020-01-18, 16:07
klybans avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Finisterre
Massor väntar i Mexiko

Center for Immigration Studies

'I want Trump out!'
TAPACUHLA, Mexico — Honduran Katherine Cabrera is among thousands of migrants who didn't expect to get bottled up in this southern Mexican city, unable to proceed to the American border as planned, because of President Donald Trump's insistence that Mexico block them with troop deployments and whatever else the Mexicans could come up with.

In this calculus and in their perhaps surprising savvy about national American politics and timing, Cabrera has plenty of company all over Tapachula, where thousands like her have been forced to pool up for long asylum process waits or returns home.

Dozens of politically woke migrants, like Honduran Wilson Valladaras, recently told CIS their decisions to stay in Mexico were predicated on the Trump-defeat gamble. Valladaras said he would wait for his Mexican asylum approval, move to Tijuana "until Trump leaves", and then cross over the U.S. border when the Democrats undo his policies because "right now, the Americans will throw you back" to Mexico.
Karavaner nu igen, antar man tror prata om annat funkar för nått.
2020-01-18, 16:13
Finisterres avatar
Ursprungligen postat av klyban
Karavaner nu igen, antar man tror prata om annat funkar för nått.
Du har aldrig berättat den verkliga sanningen om karavanerna för oss. Jag har uppmanat dig att dela med dig till dina medmänniskor, men du har vägrat.

Nu har Trumps rasistpropaganda fått spridning medan du har tigit.
Vill du berätta sanningen om vad som har hänt?

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