Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2018-04-16, 21:37
Tjena! Se nedan på engelska. Någon som kan komma med erfarenhet/tips?

My system is turned off and wont turn on.

My system was working just fine until we moved to our new appartmet. Here, the system was connected but wouldn´t turn on/respond to the controller so I bought a new, identical one in the hopes that it would work. Said and done the system didn´t react to the new controller and I still cannot turn on the system.

I have tried changing the AC cable and reconnecting all cables. On top of that I tried connecting the system with USB to my laptop (running Windows 10) in order to try to turn it on with the software. I still won't get any contact with the system.

Is there something that I am missing? Is there anything I can do to turn on the system again and/or caliber my new controller to the system.

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