Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2018-03-13, 11:48
Skaldjursplateaus avatar
"DUP, or Daily Undulating Periodization, is the new cool kid on the lifting block.
It also flies in the face of everything you thought you knew about lifting.
For decades upon decades, lifters have been worried about over-training.

Men of muscle and might, who can bench press small bears and lift up cars, virtually mess themselves at the thought of training a muscle group more than once a week.

So why is squatting, deadlifting, and benching, two to four times per week now making headway in the world of powerlifting and bodybuilding?

“Sorry bro, I can’t train legs again this week – I already hit them on Monday.”

Sound familiar?

You make your way to the gym, ready to train with your buddy, squat shoes in hand and start heading over to the rack, only to have him lay this on you.

Exasperated, you ask him what he’s got on the cards – chest.

Nope, that doesn’t work for you since you did 32 sets for your pecs just two days ago. Training them again so soon would be over-training. The muscle fibers aren’t fully recovered, so more damage would be no good whatsoever and you’d lose your gains.

Or would you ……."


Någon som vet ifall detta är effektivt för någon som har varit halvduktig med gymmet, men vill komma tillbaka in i det?
2018-03-13, 11:56
Ja det fungerar sålänge det finns någon progression.
2018-03-13, 12:26
tnems avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Skaldjursplateau
"DUP, or Daily Undulating Periodization, is the new cool kid on the lifting block.
It also flies in the face of everything you thought you knew about lifting.
For decades upon decades, lifters have been worried about over-training.

Men of muscle and might, who can bench press small bears and lift up cars, virtually mess themselves at the thought of training a muscle group more than once a week.

So why is squatting, deadlifting, and benching, two to four times per week now making headway in the world of powerlifting and bodybuilding?

“Sorry bro, I can’t train legs again this week – I already hit them on Monday.”

Sound familiar?

You make your way to the gym, ready to train with your buddy, squat shoes in hand and start heading over to the rack, only to have him lay this on you.

Exasperated, you ask him what he’s got on the cards – chest.

Nope, that doesn’t work for you since you did 32 sets for your pecs just two days ago. Training them again so soon would be over-training. The muscle fibers aren’t fully recovered, so more damage would be no good whatsoever and you’d lose your gains.

Or would you ……."


Någon som vet ifall detta är effektivt för någon som har varit halvduktig med gymmet, men vill komma tillbaka in i det?

Verkar ju bara vara att köra helkroppsprogram 3 ggr i veckan och variera mellan tungt och lätt, det är inget nytt i sånna fall. Bara att man hittat på ett nytt hippt namn.
2018-03-18, 11:08
Tycker det är kul att detta ifrågasätts här medans det är allmän kunskap på alla andra tränings forum

Kör inte ett mån- bröst tis- rygg osv.

Klart du kommer få mer gains om du tränar en muskel 3 ggr i veckan jämfört med 1 gång i veckan.

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