Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2018-02-19, 19:22
I'm writing to you, because, I have some problem.

Last year, I was in Sweden on Erasmus. One day, I was in Copenhagen. I bought 1g of cannabis in Christiania. I smoked a little bit there, rest I brought with myself. When i was crossing dannish-swedish border, officers discovered it stuff. Finally they checked, that I had 0,82 g of cannabis, I was punished by fine - 2300 SEK. Also, for 5 years, information about that will be mentioned in swedish criminal record.

I asked person from Tullverket (after few mail, she was signed as "customs prosecutor") about possibility of exemption from sanction (i read in Swedish Penal Code, that there is some possibility). She told me, that I could withdraw my acceptance of punishment, and send letter to court with my explanation.

It would be very important to me - information in criminal record would make a lot of trouble in my country (e.g. with job finding), and, with applying for USA visa (I would like to go on Work and Travel programme). How do you think, how much is my chance to get it (exemtion, or something similar)? Do you know some good lawyer, or organisation specialized in cases like that?

I would be really grateful for your help.
2018-02-19, 19:36
This might help you, if you confess and pay the fine both the state and yourself saves alot of time and money.

Since you confess there wont be any trial and you accept paying the fine, but wheter its shown in your criminal record or not i dont know anything about.

Unless of course if you win the trial, but since you got caught red handed that wont happen.
Senast redigerad av skrunk 2018-02-19 kl. 19:43.
2018-02-19, 19:38
StenSaxPungs avatar
I got no answers for you. Just a couple of questions out of curiosoty.

Did you just cross the border without thinking of the posebility that you might be caught? If No, why then did you not really hide it or was being prepared to svallow it?

Where are you from?

Besides this incident, did you have a good time in our country?
2018-02-19, 20:09
Ursprungligen postat av skrunk
This might help you, if you confess and pay the fine both the state and yourself saves alot of time and money.

Since you confess there wont be any trial and you accept paying the fine, but wheter its shown in your criminal record or not i dont know anything about.

Unless of course if you win the trial, but since you got caught red handed that wont happen.
It will probably show in your criminal record. 100%.
2018-02-19, 20:24
CoopColas avatar
I would say that you have 0% chans to win. Sweden is crazy hard on drugs.

Sorry for my bad english
2018-02-19, 20:49
Unless you "win the case" and is deemed innocent it will show up in your criminal record.
Simple as that.

There are ways that'll make the process go quicker however there isn't any way out of the records other than you being found innocent. And to be found innocent you have to go too court, and if it goes to court you'll lose. Moment22.

This is ofc if this becomes a process, if the prosecutor drops charges we got a whole different situation. However that doesn't seem very likely.
2018-02-20, 06:01
Rufoss avatar
I apologize for our shitty laws on marijuanna. But yeah, as stated in previous posts, you can't really get away once you've been caught, and our officials will do everything they possibly can to ruin your life.

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