Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2017-08-23, 23:36
Age: 21 Male
Weight: 73 kg
Previous experience: LSD, mushroom, weed, spice, alcohol
Dosage: 20 Scandinavian mushrooms (toppis) and 0.5g of weed
Location: The mountains of Trollstigen, Norway (800 meters above ocean).

Me and my French travel buddy are travelling the roads of Scandinavia and while doing this we thought of trying mushrooms since it is the right season for picking them ourselves. It would be my first time with psychedelics in over one year and my friend would have his first trip ever.

Earlier the same day we stopped along the road to search some cow fields and found just enough mushrooms for us two. I’ve been researching the topic quite a lot so I knew what to look for and what amount to take, according to what I read 20 mushrooms would be a light trip. It would suit us perfectly, it’s my friends first time and we had some extra weed with us, this was going to be a chill evening with music and nice company.

When we reached the area of Trollstigen the gigantic mountains had us paralyzed in awe, this was the most awesome view I had ever seen. We continued driving through the beautiful valleys and up the mountain of Trollveggen. At the top, we scouted the area for a place to set up our tent, we saw the perfect camping spot simultaneously. It was in a valley next to a river leading down to a bigger lake surrounded by mountains. We packed our bags from the car and started walking. As soon as we reached the place we set up our tents, gathered water from the river and started boiling it with our storm kitchen. We brought out the mushrooms from the food box and mixed them with the hot water. We put on some nice music and waited for the magic tea to be ready. The time was around 19:30, the weather was perfect, clouds surrounding the mountain tops and the sun was closing the mountain ridge. Before drinking the magic tea, we set our intentions and asked the mountains to watch over us. After finishing our cups I initiated a guided meditation for us to relax and find peace with the valley. When we opened our eyes again we felt slower, heavier and more relaxed. The first effect of the shrooms started to take place. We laid down on our camping mattresses and watched the sky. We saw one white cloud just above us and some very light clouds surrounding it. While observing this beautiful sky the psychedelic patterns started to form and making the clouds dance. The clouds seemed to have moving snowflake patterns in them while they turned into different characters sharing stories. At this point I was enjoying the pleasant experience and thought to myself that this state would be perfect, not expecting the trip to continue accelerating.

After observing the sky for 20 minutes we stood up and noticed how the psychedelic effect had affected our senses and perspective. We were not really tripping at this point but our focus was the only things that existed, the rest outside of it didn’t exist. I guess you can say we felt the mushrooms very well. We were both surprised and amazed by these effects and enjoyed them very much. While laughing and smiling we touched different objects, looked out over the stunning view and asked ourselves what the fuck was going on. While walking around in our camp the psychedelic effects hit harder and harder, moving around and concentrating started to become more and more like a challenge. I wasn’t expecting to trip very hard so in my mind I thought a boost would be good, I started to roll up a spliff of half a gram green. It was a tough task because there was so much to take in and observe, not to mention that my friend noticed there were sheep’s wandering freely in the valley. After 10 minutes of rolling I lit it up and inhaled a big toke, followed by another toke, then I passed it on. By the time we finished the joint we were high as fuck. The shrooms were kicking in hard and the weed made us even more spaced out. It hit us so hard that we could barely do anything. We would exchange 3 sentences before spacing out into another world. After 10 minutes of being spaced we realized we hadn’t done what we said we would, and so we made another attempt but it failed and we spaced out again. In this case we were trying to go for a walk. The trip caught us off guard and for the first hour we were puzzled and didn’t know what was going on. My state was shifting between huge amazement of our location, the psychedelic effects and then trying to grasp it with my normal state. For the first hour, it was hard to let in on what the trip was doing with me, I tried to act normal until I realized I was too high, I decided to let go and allowed the trip consume me.

During this time of spacing in and out we tried walking 20 meters away from the camp and it was an out of reality experience. We walked off the hiking path on soft moss and blueberry plants, it felt like walking on clouds in candy land. The sun had disappeared behind the mountains, the sky was still blue and the clouds were orange/red. It was early autumn so the colors of the valley consisted of orange, red, brown, yellow and green. The texture of the huge mountains surrounding us came to life and shaped animals and other beautiful things. It reminded me a lot of a scene from the movie “brother bear” when there are animals running in the northern light. I have never seen or experienced anything this beautiful, being there in that state of mind was completely overwhelming.

After walking on the soft candy/videogame clouds we were both super hyped to go out and explore. We went back to the camp and after spacing around 30 minutes we started our walk. We followed the well-marked hiking trail just next to our tents. We followed the trail further into the valley while taking everything in. I had many huge realizations and experiences during this walk. It was at this moment I let in to the trip and became a shaman observing and communicating with the mountains. I could see what the earth really is, the whole matrix perception was blown out the window. I believe I experienced the true magic of life, no blockages and all possibilities. I saw through the construction of this reality, it wasn’t made of 1s and 0s but rather symbols and things adding up which create the visual reality we see. It’s quite hard to put into words but I saw beyond the physical structure and understood how it came to be physical. While all of this was taking place a new version of myself was created, normally I am overthinking and planning a lot (like the virgo I am), but there I became a shaman who was gracefully flowing with the energy and rhythm of life. I could feel the great spirit of the mountains and everything was in perfect order. The running water of the river turned into music and the mountains communicated with us through the wind moving the clouds in very fascinating ways. I could feel all the forces of nature and it was mighty. While walking I felt drawn to go down to the river but we got stuck 20 meters away from it due to wet ground. We stopped and spaced out again for some time until my friend realized that he was lost, he didn’t remember where we came from, or what planet we were on. We were in the complete wilderness of some mystical mountains. I did remember which way we came from but his doubt made me think I wasn’t sure. For each time I tripped out I didn’t know where we were but when I came back to earth I knew we had to follow the river back down out from the valley. The tricky part was that we had left the hiking trail and couldn’t find it. It was pretty scary because the thought of being completely lost in the mountains was intimidating. Luckily, we found the trail after some searching and managed to follow it back to our tents. When we spotted the tents in the distance a huge relief washed away our anxiety and filled us with a joyful vibe.

When we came back to our camp it was dark outside, just enough to see some of the valleys colors. We put on the music and stayed within the camp for the rest of the night. To our fascination we noticed that we were surrounded by clouds, literally. There were mist and clouds 360 degrees around us in a 70-100 meter radius. We were in “the eye of the storm”, above us were the crystal clear night sky watching over us with thousands of twinkling stars. I have always dreamt of seeing a night sky like this and now it was presented to me in a more magical way then I could ever have expected. We laid down and spent the whole night watching the stars. The eye of the storm continued to watch over us until the break of dawn. I know for myself that this was not a coincidence, this was the most extreme spiritual experience I have ever had. For someone else this might sound like an illusion or that it’s false but to me this was an event that have been waiting to happen. I’ve felt guided by a presence and experienced many “coincidences” and unreal things (for the average person), I’ve listened to the language of life for a long time and this experienced confirmed some of my previous beliefs.
Senast redigerad av rissla 2017-08-23 kl. 23:46.
2017-08-23, 23:36
One event that I believe is related to this experience is from 2 weeks ago when I was on another trip up north in Sweden. It was just me hiking the holy Sami mountain Atoklimpen, it’s been used for thousands of years to communicate with spirits through rituals and sacrifice. During my hike two significant things happened. The first one was on my way to the top I killed a mosquito on my neck. The mosquito had sucked some of my blood which was all over my hand so I wiped it off on the rocks next to me. I later got to know that this was the same area where sacrifices have been made by the Sami people. The second occurrence was that I picked up a green crystal stone from the mountain which I blessed and set an intention on while I was sitting on the top. I put the stone in my pocket and when I came back to my cabin it was gone. Personally, I believe this added up to my trip and I share this because it’s very exceptional. I believe life is constantly communicating with us while we are communicating back. Today, a couple of days later, I bring some new insights with me and I hope I will allow myself to be with the flow, continue learning and listen to the advice I receive from life.

This is it for me, thank you for reading!
2017-09-01, 15:33
good story! Big ups

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