Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2017-08-17, 15:57
Luskade runnt på Wikileaks Sony-avdelning och stötte på en förkortning som jag inte finner någon förklaring till, IABE.

Jag fann den bl.a. när det gällde en kvinnlig producents avtal vad gällde fördelning av intäkter och vinster men även ren "participation fee" - hur man nu översätter det till 'begriplig' svenska - 'deltagaravgift'?

Upplägget såg ut såhär:

Deal Date: Feb. 10, 2006 (extended 2 times and expired March 31, 2010);
No features were produced under it.
2 year deal, $250,000/year
$75,000 for personnel
$2,500/monthly expenses

Fixed Compensations
1st picture: $400,000
2nd picture: $450,000
3rd picture: $500,000

Contingent Compensation:
1st Picture:
50% of Net reducible by all participants after IABE to a soft floor of 20% of Net and a hard floor of 7.5%.

2nd Picture:
5% of GP from and after CB25% until IABE, esc to 50% of Net reducible by all participants after IABE to a soft floor of 20% of Net and a hard floor of 7.5%.

3rd & Subsequent Pictures:
2.5% of GP from and after CB20% until CB25%, esc to 7.5% of GP from and after CB25% until IABE, esc to 50% of Net reducible by all participants after IABE to a soft floor of 20% of Net and a hard floor of 7.5%.

Så vad är IABE?! Det enda jag med vanlig logik kan bidra med är om 'BE' skulle vara 'Break-Even', men vad är då IA?!

Om någon skulle vilja vara så vänlig att bidra med en lösning skulle jag bli väldigt tacksam.

Det jag har kunnat utesluta är 'Above-the line' och 'Under the line'

Förklaringen till 'Soft Floor' och 'Hard Floor' är förvisso logisk men inget man läser en söndagsmorgon med baksmälla då den nästan är gjord för att vara obegriplig:

Applies to the participant (usually the producer) whose participation is reduced by other contingent participants. The soft floor is a percentage of the revenues this participant receives. If third party participations borne by this participant reduce his/her participation to the soft floor, than participations beyond that point (i.e. which would take the bearing participant below the soft floor) are borne in some fashion by both the studio and the reduced participant.

In some cases, additional participations are subtracted not from that participant’s share, but "off-the-top" from the pool of revenues on which that participants share is calculated. In others, the studio bears the next X% of participations, the participant bears the next X% after that, and so on.

This is a confusing concept. The most important thing to remember is that once someone reaches their soft floor, the burden of additional participations is shared between the participant and the studio.

Also applies to the participant whose participation is reduced by other contingent participants. The hard floor, like the soft floor, is a percentage of the revenues this participant receives. However, unlike the soft floor, the hard floor is a strict minimum below which a participant may not be reduced.

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