Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
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2018-12-25, 17:40
Här är originaltexten som du har översatt:

The universe can be described as a cybernetic system in which freedom and constraint are counterbalanced. The constraints function as structure; thus, the laws of physics are constraints which define the structure of spacetime, whereas freedom is that which is bound or logically quantified by the constraints in question. Now, since there is no real time scale external to reality, there is no extrinsic point in time at which the moment of creation can be located, and this invalidates phrases like "before reality existed" and "when reality created itself". So rather than asking "when" the universe came to be, or what existed "before" the universe was born, we must instead ask "what would remain if the structural constraints defining the real universe were regressively suspended?" First, time would gradually disappear, eliminating the "when" question entirely. And once time disappears completely, what remains is the answer to the "what" question: a realm of boundless potential characterized by a total lack of real constraint. In other words, the real universe timelessly emerges from a background of logically unquantified potential to which the concepts of space and time simply do not apply.

Now let's attend to your "how" question. Within a realm of unbound potential like the one from which the universe emerges, everything is possible, and this implies that "everything exists" in the sense of possibility. Some possibilities are self-inconsistent and therefore ontological dead ends; they extinguish themselves in the very attempt to emerge into actuality. But other possibilities are self-consistent and potentially self-configuring by internally defined evolutionary processes. That is, they predicate their own emergence according to their own internal logics, providing their own means and answering their own "hows". These possibilities, which are completely self-contained not only with respect to how, what, and when, but why, have a common structure called SCSPL (Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language). An SCSPL answers its own "why?" question with something called teleology; where SCSPL is "God" to whatever exists within it, teleology amounts to the "Will of God".
2019-01-10, 17:04
Skogismyras avatar
Det där självständiga mediumet som nämns är Medvetande.
Det har alltid funnits och kommer alltid att finnas.

Däremot har inte universum alltid funnits.
Universum är skapad av det där Medvetandet, och universum är egentligen Medvetande.
Universum är Maya (illusion). Det ser ut att vara objektiv separat materia o.s.v. men är egentligen Medvetande. Vilket betyder att även Du är det. Vilket man inser vid andlig upplysning.


För övrigt borde tråden ligga i Filosofi.
Senast redigerad av Skogismyra 2019-01-10 kl. 17:07.
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