Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2017-05-25, 01:09
DexTheRexs avatar
Först och främst vill jag be om ursäkt att den är på engelska, men tycker det är mycket lättare att skriva rusrapporter på engelska, kan liksom uttrycka mig mer då. Hoppas det syns jämfört med alla mina andra rusrapporter på svenska, hoppas ni förstår!

Substans: Psilocybin Svampar
Dos: Runt 6-7 gram torkat, är inte helt säker men någonstans där eftersom jag nästan åt hela min harvest.
Kön: Man
Tid: Runt 7 timmar tills hallisarna var nästan helt slut (dock så var ljusare färger osv kvar längre)

Tidigare Erfarenheter

25C-NBOMe, 1P-LSD, Cannabis i form av hasch och blomma, MXP, lustgas, MDMA kristaller, Flubromazelam, Nifoxipam, Xanor, blandning av 3-FPM och 2-Ai, Oxikodon, Koks, 5-MeO-MiPT (Moxy).

Set Och Setting

Hade faktiskt inte sovit så bra dagen innan, hade runt 4 timmar sömn, trots det blev detta den bästa trippen hittills. Tänkte först trippa ute med kompisar men ändrade mig till hemma (bra gjort av mig där )


It all started hitting me hard when I decided to rub one out. Before this, I started this entire journey by ingesting around 3 grams dried mushrooms. After having a quite weak trip, at least in comparison to my goal, I decided to redose. I eventually sat in my bed and had just ingested most likely at least another 4 grams. I say this with confidence, because there is truly not much left of my stash left, and that’s the entire harvest from the first flush I got. What a way to tread into the woods of a psilocybin trip, starting with a heroic dose and a half you could say!

Essentially, when I nutted, my entire body had an orgasm, it was the most intense and euphoric feeling I have ever experienced, unlike any other drug I’ve ever laid my hands on. After this, I just went to my living room just to get my headphones and ended up feeling the presence of a freaking God. Let me explain.

Basically I saw the big buddah head I have in the living room, and I started grabbing it and stroking it because it was so beautiful. Then, when I closed my eyes, I felt like I was floating on a chunck of the earth itself, accended inside a huge void. But the most beautiful and amazing void I've ever experienced. The CEV were tiny tiny blue, red and green squares. they were all three colors at the same time.

And to get to Buddah's presence, well I cleared my mind, actually no. Erase that. My mind itself cleared itself of any other thought than Buddah. I felt like I was speaking to him, but He was silent, but an understandable silence, almost as if He would not speak in words but in something out of this world and language. In something else completely.

Are emotional swings normal on shrooms? I ask myself. Cause just a few seconds ago, I was the happiest and most euphoric I've ever been. And now I got this heavy feeling in my chest, and I no longer smile, but it's not making me sad. I only acknowledge it. This truly showed me what meditation is.

I’m now chatting in the Tripsit chat, and we discussed if I’m ready for DMT or not, which I still would say I’m not. Although, I am definitely one step closer. Perhaps after a few more experiences with Psilocybin with the likes of this trip, and some exploring with other compounds and I will be as ready as I can be for Dimitri.
A fellow chatter said “We’re born, we age and we die” to which I replied “and what you make inbetween is the meaning of life, and up to you” and I stand by that now. That is indeed the meaning of life for me.

Moving on from this, and oh my, I just looked out my window, and the sunset. It is the pure definition of beauty itself. The sillouettes of the trees have the perfect amount of contrast.
I’ve learned now, that visuals are indeed not everything, I used to think that, and if I didn’t get very much visuals, it wouldn’t be a good enough trip. But this trip has changed that 180 degrees for me. Truly, the visuals are an added bonus. And with this headspace? And mood and feeling? Visuals aren't on my mind anymore. They're simply happening.

Although, speaking of visuals, there is one OEV that simply will not go away. When I go back to writing this document, a 2 cm disc appears across the screen. I believe this is the Milky Way viewed from the side. No scratch that, it just changed. It’s a black hole. Shooting out jets from each end. Perhaps this is my mind showing me the different sides of the universe? On one end, here we are, Milky Way. But on the darker, more eerie side, inside this enormous galaxy, is a hole in the space time of the universe itself, that is so powerful it bends the time around it. It’s incredible. The sheer power that is of a black hole astonishes me.

Going from this, I noticed that I can literally draw CEVs. I was playing around with my lighter, and figured out that I can draw a heart motion with it, and when I close my eyes, an exact replica appears before my eyes!

But wait, hold on a minute now.
I just understood CEVs, I’ve been attempting at it the entire wrong way! I’ve been focusing on the visuals themselves (or lack thereof, more precisely.) But instead I need to just let images flow through my thoughts, and CEVs will appear accordingly. This changes everything!!
If I close my eyes, I can feel that my vision is rotating and moving, even if there are no CEVs, because my body will feel like it’s moving accordingly.

This is where I enter the purging state.

My body is now purging, by yawning and making my eyes water. It feels good to let it all out, good and evil just flowing away from my body.

After the purging had cleared, I remembered, and decided to try out this massage oil I have. Thai Lemongrass by The Body Shop.
It’s the most amazing mixture of scented molecules that has ever entered my nose, it’s as if my body is Lemongrass itself. An aura of a delicious cloud of Lemongrass.

The human senses are so facinating, especially when they get mixed up. OH DEAR! Speaking of which, they seem to have indeed been mixed up. Because now when I notice this scent of Lemongrass, the blinking typing bar and the overall theme of the text has the color yellow. I don't actually remember what lemongrass looks like, but this visual representation is a mixture of the colors of a lemon and grass.
Huh, this syntaenesia is indeed very neat. I like the yellow lemon scented color of the blinky-bar.

Now we can get to the music aspect of this trip, which is one of the parts where it shines.

The song Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic by The Police sounds so beautiful. It’s much more deep and rich with every note and tone. And it’s describing exactly what shrooms is to me right now.
Bass is one of the most awe-inspiring frequencies in my opinion, while tripping. I can feel it all throughout my head, and in my thought process.

The transition from peak, to comedown, was incredibly interesting to me. I had a hypothesis, which turned out to indeed be true.
This was that the sudden emotional change was my body’s way of telling me I just went from peak to comedown. I find this very interesting because looking back at it, it’s very unique from anything I’ve experienced. It makes sense and made it so clear that I went from a “happy” peak phase to what my mind thinks as “sad” in this context, which is why I went from happy to sad so quickly! Shrooms did indeed think long term in this sense and thought outside the box. Incredible.

I have to say, mushrooms made my creative thinking much more expanded. Because it truly made my vocabulary expand, and made each word so easy to come up with. Writing this report has been very fun and interesting, instead of the usual chore it’s been in the past.

Summering Av Trippen

Helt otroligt. Livsändrande tripp och helt klart det bästa möjliga första gången möjligt.
Har definitivt hittat min drug of choice.

12 svampar av 10 möjliga från mig!!
Senast redigerad av DexTheRex 2017-05-25 kl. 01:42.

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