Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2020-11-12, 15:44
Den korrekta termen är Västmarxism eller Neo-marxism. Kulturmarxism må vara en nedsättande term precis som "röding", "sverigevän", "miljömupp" och "borgarbracka", men termen är mycket beskrivande om man tittar pås t.ex Marcuse och Gramscis vanföreställningar. Gramsci ansåg att kulturen, speciellt den västerländska med dess traditioner, var nånting så hemskt och minst lika förtryckande som ekonomiskt makt men ändå inte helt beroende av de ekonomiska strukturerna. Därmed måste revolutionen också ske inom kulturen. Att termen använts av såna som Breivik förmiskar inte det faktum att termen "kulturmarxism" är mycket beskrivande, och orsakar stor irritation inom den postmateriella vänstern.

Några citat om Neo-Marxism ur boken "Politics, Fifth edition". Det är alltså en välkänd serie läroböcker vi talar om, inte en konspirationsblogg.

"Neo-Marxism (sometimes termed "modern" or "western" Marxism) refers to atttempts to revise or recast the calssical ideas of Marx while remaining faithful to certain Marxist principles or aspects of Marxist methodology. Neo-Marxists typically refuse to accept that Marxism enjoys a monopoly of the truth, and have thus looked to Hegelian philosophy, anarchism, liberalism, feminism and even rational-choice theory. Athough still concerned about social injustice, neo-Marxists reject the primacy of economics over other factors and, with it, the notion that history has a predictable character."

"Neo-Marxists have increasingly seen the state as te terrain on which the struggle amongst interest, groups, and classes is conducted. Rather than being an instrument wielded by a dominant group or ruling class, the state is thus a dynamic entity that reflects the balance of power within society at any given time, and the ongoing struggle for hegemony."

"Marcuse came to prominence in the 1960s as a leading thinker of the New Left and a "guru" of the student movement. He portrayed advanced industrial society as an all-encompassing system of repressiont hat subdued argument and debate, and absorbed opposition. His hopes rested not on the proletariat, but on marginalized groups such as students, ethnic minorities, women and workers in the developing world."

"By the 1960s, neo Marxists such as Herbert Marcuse were lamenting the deradicalization of the urban proletariat, and looked instead to the revolutionary potential of students, women ethnic minorities and the developing world."

"In his prison notebooks, written in 1929-35, Antonio Gramsci emphasized the degree to which capitalism was maintained not merely by economic domination, but also by political and cultural factors. He called this the "ideological" hegemony. A more Hegelian brand of Marxism was developed by the so-called "Frankfurt school", the leading members of which were Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse. Frankfurt theorists developed what was called "critical theory", a blend of Marxist political economy, Hegelian philosophy and Freudian psychology, which had a considerable impact on the New Left in the 1960s."
Senast redigerad av Alertio 2020-11-12 kl. 15:49.
2020-11-12, 22:59
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Ursprungligen postat av Gubbskem
Detta är precis anledningen till att ordet feminist fått en negativ klang i västvärlden bland ungdomar.

Njäsch, det beror ju på vilka ungdomar vi pratar om. Dom flesta ungdomar jag träffar, blir intresserade och fascinerade av oss kvinnor i 30-årsåldern. Vi agerar som både förebilder och sk "MILF-ar", vilket är extremt stimulerande på många sätt.

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