Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2017-05-05, 20:17
Den nazistiska siten nordfån hade en artikel om cap Arcona ett (av flera) skepp som sänktes i Lübeckbukten den 2 maj 1945 dvs i samband med det totala sammanbrottet. Ca 7 000 koncentrationslägersfångar hade placerats på skeppen och merparten dog naturligtvis. Slagit lite på google men hittar ingen vettig förklaring till varför nazisterna i slutskedet av kriget föste upp fångar på skepp för att sena styra ???? vart. Norge ??? Eller byteshandel Jag slipper åtal = ni får 7 000 koncentrationslägerfångar

Tacksam för någon form av svar
2017-05-05, 20:59
Jag tror inte tanken var att flytta skeppet, det var bara ett bekvämt fängelse.

Lite pinsamt för de allierade dock.
2017-05-05, 21:02
Bilingualbvern2.0s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Xenonen
Jag tror inte tanken var att flytta skeppet, det var bara ett bekvämt fängelse.

Lite pinsamt för de allierade dock.

Exakt, det var ett fängelseskepp.
2017-05-05, 21:09
Ursprungligen postat av Xenonen
Jag tror inte tanken var att flytta skeppet, det var bara ett bekvämt fängelse.

Lite pinsamt för de allierade dock.

Men det sänktes i bukten och ... övriga läger övergavs men inte här ???
2017-05-05, 21:14
Bilingualbvern2.0s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av plofs
Men det sänktes i bukten och ... övriga läger övergavs men inte här ???

Beror på detta:

"During March and April 1945, concentration camp prisoners from Scandinavian countries had been transported from all over the Reich to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, in the White Bus programme co-ordinated through the Swedish Red Cross - with prisoners of other nationalities displaced to make room for them. Eventually Himmler agreed that these Scandinavians, and selected others regarded as less harmful to Germany, could be transported through Denmark to freedom in Sweden. Then between the 16 and 28 April 1945, Neuengamme was systematically emptied of all its remaining prisoners, together other groups of concentration camp inmates and Soviet POWs; with the intention that they would be relocated to a secret new camp, either on the Baltic island of Fehmarn; or at Mysen in Norway where preparations were put in hand to house them under the control of concentration camp guards evacuated from Sachsenhausen.[14] In the interim, they were to be concealed from the advancing British and Canadian forces; and for this purpose the SS assembled a prison flotilla of decommissioned ships in the Bay of Lübeck, consisting of the liners Cap Arcona and Deutschland, the freighter Thielbek, and the motor launch Athen. Since the steering motors were out of use in Thielbek and the turbines were out of use in Cap Arcona, Athen was used to transfer prisoners from Lübeck to the larger ships and between ships;[15] they were locked below decks and in the holds, and denied food and medical attention"
2017-05-05, 21:25
Ursprungligen postat av Bilingualbvern2.0
Beror på detta:

"During March and April 1945, concentration camp prisoners from Scandinavian countries had been transported from all over the Reich to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, in the White Bus programme co-ordinated through the Swedish Red Cross - with prisoners of other nationalities displaced to make room for them. Eventually Himmler agreed that these Scandinavians, and selected others regarded as less harmful to Germany, could be transported through Denmark to freedom in Sweden. Then between the 16 and 28 April 1945, Neuengamme was systematically emptied of all its remaining prisoners, together other groups of concentration camp inmates and Soviet POWs; with the intention that they would be relocated to a secret new camp, either on the Baltic island of Fehmarn; or at Mysen in Norway where preparations were put in hand to house them under the control of concentration camp guards evacuated from Sachsenhausen.[14] In the interim, they were to be concealed from the advancing British and Canadian forces; and for this purpose the SS assembled a prison flotilla of decommissioned ships in the Bay of Lübeck, consisting of the liners Cap Arcona and Deutschland, the freighter Thielbek, and the motor launch Athen. Since the steering motors were out of use in Thielbek and the turbines were out of use in Cap Arcona, Athen was used to transfer prisoners from Lübeck to the larger ships and between ships;[15] they were locked below decks and in the holds, and denied food and medical attention"

Oerhört "humant" låter det. Men frågan är fortfarande varför skickades fartygen ut ur hamnen. Himmler sökte personliga lösningar ... Det verkar vara totalt hjärnsläpp hos nazisterna. Slösa resurser på att transportera lägerfångar i uselt skick till fartyg med syfte ?? Istället för att försvara sig eller försöka fly

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