Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2017-04-26, 23:41
Here we go again!!!
2017-04-29, 10:37
Pentyls avatar
Ur DN:s artikel:
Karolinska institutets vicerektor Martin Ingvar utreds av internrevisionen och har tagit timeout från delar av sina uppdrag. DN kan avslöja att professorn tjänat flera miljoner på att sälja en it-plattform som enligt kritiker utvecklats gemensamt av KI och Stockholms läns landsting.
Peter Ambroson, internrevisor på KI, bekräftar att en utredning har inletts.

– Vi kollar om något gått fel till när man sålde rättigheterna. Det finns en grupp som tycker att de har blivit förfördelade, säger Peter Ambroson.
Kritiken nådde Barbro Naroskyin, hälso- och sjukvårdsdirektör i Stockholms läns landsting.

– Den 17 februari blir jag uppringd av ordförande i projektet diabetes, ett av delprojekten i 4D. De är bekymrade i gruppen och säger att de tror att Martin Ingvar har tagit delar av den digitala vårdplanen och fört in i ett bolag. Därmed tycker de att förtroendet för Martin Ingvar är förbrukat, säger Barbro Naroskyin.
– Det har skett enligt det regelverk som finns. Om jag skriver ett datorprogram eller utvecklar idéer som jag paketerar så kan jag hävda att de rättigheterna tillfaller mig. Sedan är det vanligt i alla innovationsprojekt att olika personer har olika bild av vad deras egna bidrag har varit, säger Martin Ingvar.
2017-05-13, 08:40
Doktorphils avatar
numera avgått på "egen" begäran.
2017-05-13, 15:15
FreedomDeeps avatar
Martin Ingvar, professor i neurofysiologi, har kanske si och så ställt med moralen?

Vad är etiskt rätt att göra Martin? Vad vet du Martin Ingvar om s.k. mind reading? Denna typ av frågor ställs på följande sida;

Saxat från nyss nämnda sida:

"The question is if you Martin Ingvar are aware of ongoing research, without informed consent and ethic approval, which is carried out with ICT implants. It is a fact that you are hiding multi disciplinary scientific information in neuroscience, artificial intelligence and development of ICT implants and computer software (that can read and manipulate people’s minds).

Do you know, Martin, that the above is internationally known by now?

Humans subject to this research are very much like in a hostage drama. People’s identity, integrity and autonomy are stolen with ICT implants for development of new mindreading technologies in computer simulations.

People all over Europe can testify that (aggressive) strong artificial intelligence, in combination with acoustic imagining technologies (the little voice in your head), is used to imaging the brains functionality. This research is carried out with self learning computers.

Research is done without informed consent in order to study underlying processes of consciousness and associative memories. This “new” imaging technology has been used 24/7 since 2005 on many victims. The illegal research with ICT brain chips is usually hidden by false diagnose of mental illness.

The new ICT paradigm has since many years created severe damage to many families in Sweden and Europe. Lifetime achievement has been destroyed as an effect of this research.

Famous Swedish professors in ethics have since 2004 asked for an ethic debate on this topic. They have also warned for misuse of nanotechnology for listening to other people’s thoughts, and manipulate innocent people’s minds.

Information about subconscious and associated memories to create an understanding of the complex brain and its functional architecture can never progress with fMRI and PET cameras. A wider understanding of the brain needs the use of ICT implants.

The research is also about creating new brain interfaces and artificial intelligence for computers to ask questions and identify patterns in the brain, also known as “microcircuits between neurons and a global brain function”, or “synthetic telepathy”.

Relevant questions for Martin Ingvar to answer.

Are there any ethical approval of the development and clinical tests of the new generation of brain chips for decoding cognitive patterns?

Have the physical and psychological effects of copying those patterns with brain chips
(carried out for more than seven years) been identified and documented?

What laws are protecting humans for abuse of ICT implants and computer simulations to copy cognitive behavior?

Isn’t the situation for abuse of humans, under false diagnose of mental illness, obvious with the new emerging ICT technology’s for brain imagining?

Your awareness of and knowledge about any type of misuse of humans (as above described) and your participation as a possible whistleblower, is very important in order to save lives and create new laws."

Tack ska du ha Martin Ingvar och din typ av människor. Verkligen.

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