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2020-12-07, 13:40
Ördögs avatar
I alla händelser sa Dahl en del obehagliga saker om judar, och hans familj har nu sett sig tvungen att beklaga hans yttranden.

Roald Dahl family sorry for author's anti-Semitic remarks
Roald Dahl's family has apologised for anti-Semitic comments made by the best-selling author, who died in 1990.

A statement condemning Dahl's controversial comments, made in two interviews in 1983 and 1990, was published on his official website.

In a discreet part of the website, his family and the Roald Dahl Story Company "deeply apologise for the lasting and understandable hurt caused".

It said his "prejudiced remarks stand.. in marked contrast to the man we knew".

The statement, which is undated, was spotted by the Sunday Times.
A spokesperson for the Campaign Against Antisemitism said it was "disappointing" Roald Dahl's family "waited 30 years to make an apology".

"It is a shame that the estate has seen fit merely to apologise for Dahl's anti-Semitism rather than to use its substantial means to do anything about it," the spokesperson said.
2020-12-07, 14:09
fyllds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Ördög
I alla händelser sa Dahl en del obehagliga saker om judar, och hans familj har nu sett sig tvungen att beklaga hans yttranden.

Roald Dahl family sorry for author's anti-Semitic remarks
Roald Dahl's family has apologised for anti-Semitic comments made by the best-selling author, who died in 1990.

A statement condemning Dahl's controversial comments, made in two interviews in 1983 and 1990, was published on his official website.

In a discreet part of the website, his family and the Roald Dahl Story Company "deeply apologise for the lasting and understandable hurt caused".

It said his "prejudiced remarks stand.. in marked contrast to the man we knew".

The statement, which is undated, was spotted by the Sunday Times.
A spokesperson for the Campaign Against Antisemitism said it was "disappointing" Roald Dahl's family "waited 30 years to make an apology".

"It is a shame that the estate has seen fit merely to apologise for Dahl's anti-Semitism rather than to use its substantial means to do anything about it," the spokesperson said.

Tidsfråga innan Juden börjar mjölka Dahls estate på means. Det räcker inte med att dödsboet ursäktar sig. De kommer gå samma öde tillmötes som Tyskland. En evig skuld till Juden som aldrig kan betalas av.
2020-12-08, 23:40
Jag undrar, vad hade hänt om Dahls släktingar vägrat att be om ursäkt för sin bortgångne anförvants utsagor? Hade de blivit mördade? Utstötta ur samhället? Eller endast vägrade förmånliga banklån?

Jag upphör aldrig att förundra mig över den beredvillighet med vilken i övrigt sansade medborgare i västerländska nationer städse går ned på knä så fort Juden knäpper upp gylfen..!
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