Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2015-05-11, 00:16

Freemasonry started in france, by a group of jewish priests that teamed up with nordics, which became the freemasons. This is also where you find the roots of the knights templars which many of the other masonic branches claim to come out of. The templars, like the "upper echelon" of the jews, were powerful bankers in medieval europe, and are all branches under the zionists.

This interview by red ice tells the story about them and where they want to take the world.
Senast redigerad av sonofsatan 2015-05-11 kl. 00:23.
2015-05-11, 00:56
The new age-movement, the age of aquarius and the endtimes (the end of the age of pisces / the age of christ):

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