Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2018-02-20, 23:42
Fixafittas avatar
Jag är kluven i diskussionen, det är klart att de flesta kvinnor inte gillar sex. De använder sex som ett redskap.

Frågan för mig är dock hur liten den gruppen som gillar sex är.

Det som är intressant är hur kvinnor fullständigt KÄMPAR för att deklarera att kvinnor minsann visst det gillar sex. När man sedan frågar varför de inte knullar som här.
får man som svar att det där är ju prostituerade, det där är horor, det är fejk, det är datoranimerat. Det är en illusion! En gång fick jag ett PM av en mod som deklarerade att det där med PORR det är minsann fejk! Finns ingen amatörporr. Då fattar man hur monumentalt hatet är mot kvinnor som förråder massan genom att gilla sex.

Jag gissar på 5% av alla kvinnor. Man får inte gå på vad de säger, alla kvinnor kommer initialt säga att de inte kan få NOG, i can't get enough COCK, och visste inledningsvis i relationen kanske de KNULLAR tillfredställande och uppfyller sina åtagande. MEN SNABBT SOM DALAR SUGET.
Kvar står mannen med riktig sexlust.
2018-03-12, 10:30
Babianens avatar
Här är några till exempel som jag tycker är bra,

Had the elephant in the room talk

Hit that 7 year mark and 2yr old in the mix and suddenly the past couple weeks after buying and moving into a house she went cold. I have been doing my best to work towards keeping intimacy going despite the kid but it’s like there was a new layer of disconnect that I was up against and I was not just going to sit back and see if this was just a phase so I just brought up my concern which spiraled into what I was not prepared for. .... I am now told that she has no interest in me sexually or really from any intimate angle not related to sex.... but she enjoys my company and the family aspect of what we have going on.....

I told her I am not ok being in a relationship where thus far I have been rejected when making advances and never turning her down. Now she tells me she has a 0% interest....

Too young for that.... I brought up hormones due to her still breastfeeding and she told me to not diminish her feelings by saying it’s some type of hormonal woman thing.
This morning is awkward.... I can’t even talk to her or interact as I just tear up. It’s like now that we had the talk she is relieved and now doesn’t have to put up a front so for her that’s the only thing that has changed but for me..... everything

So in an effort to understand where things are now I prompted a further hard conversation with her. Ultimately she has felt this way for years and had I not brought up the conversation things would have continued. What changed was I had recently been making extra efforts to get out of what I thought was a rut we are in with life changes related to having a child.... it was this weekend that I had the epiphany that my wife was almost avoiding my physical and emotional interaction with her.... and then the initial talk spurred from there.
So after going through what state we are in today I asked the question is this worth another chance? The answer was yes but only out of convenience of the fact she can’t just move out. Not the answer I had hoped to hear. She is willing to let me fix the things that don’t make me an attractive partner otherwise her reasons are set.

So it really sucks but sucks even more that she has felt this way for years and been placating my needs giving me a false sense of security in the relationship. She had come out of a bad relation before and I fit the bill for stable in her life so she was ok with the trade offs on her end so it just continued.

Big time. She admits she used him for what he could give her. And she turned off the faucet once she got what she wanted. A kid and a house.

I feel your pain. I seem to be heading down a similar path now. While I have always been the high libido partner, my wife used to at least make the effort to have sex with me about once a week in general for the past few years. More often before that. While she rarely felt the urge to have sex on her own, she used to feel it was important to me and she enjoyed it when she made the effort. I have to say, my wife is both beautiful and really good in bed. I'm still really attracted to her. Except for the frequency, I was always happy with our sex life. In addition, as a couple outside the bedroom, we made a good team.
Now, after over 30 years of marriage, my wife no longer feels she needs to make the effort. She has cut back the sex to the point where we've had sex only twice in the last six months. That's 26 times in six months down to two times. The only explanation is, "I just don't feel like having sex with you anymore. I don't think I should have to do it if I don't feel like it." I agree with that sentiment too. In our entire relationship, we've only had sex when she made the effort to get herself "in the mood."
The casual intimacy has dwindled too. She hasn't given me more than a peck kiss in 5 years and hugs me only when she needs the support. The intimacy used to be so easy for us. I miss the touch. It used to make me feel we were connected as a couple.

The worst rejection I've ever gotten

I was engaging, happy, talkative, helpful, and things were actually pleasant. I also made a point not to try for sex during this time since that would likely end badly. I wanted to let this sink in for a while and see if it made a difference. As she claimed it would.
Smash cut to tonight (about 10 or 11 days after our talk). I decided I'm going to try tonight. I laid the ground work a little. I picked up the house and did the dishes in the morning, took our son and did the grocery shopping which gave her an hour or so on her own. I put him down for his nap, then did some yard work which gave her another 2 hours without anyone bothering her. I made the boy dinner, gave him his bath and put him to bed.
So after he's sleeping I hop in the shower and I'm out 10 minutes later. She's on the couch. Just browsing facebook or whatever on her phone. I sit down, put my arm around her and start touching her thigh.
IMMEDIATELY she angrily scoffs, gets up, casually walks over to check the thermostat first, and then goes to watch TV in the bedroom.

I partially expected a denial, but I allowed myself some optimism too and expected something like "I appreciate how you listened to me and worked to improve this past week, but no, not tonight." I could have at least worked with that. A step in the right direction. But no. Just got up and walked away like I was some creep hitting on her at a bar.

This wasn't a matter of misunderstanding. Like u/wang_fister said, her reaction was contempt for me. Nothing ambiguous about it.

Because I remember how great things were and why I married her in the first place and I hope that it could be like that again. And for our son as well.

så här är sex-livet i vanliga relationer för er brahs som inte vet.
2018-03-12, 10:51
Skogismyras avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Babianen
så här är sex-livet i vanliga relationer för er brahs som inte vet.
Usch. Blir nästan illamående av tanken om jag skulle råka ut för ett sånt förhållande.
Men jag slipper råka ut för sånt skit eftersom jag aldrig någonsin kommer få ett förhållande överhuvdtaget
2018-03-12, 11:55
Kvinnor är ju inkapabla till att faktiskt älska män idealiskt. De kan bortförklara det hur mycket de vill men deras så kallade "kärlek" är opportunistiskt betingad och baseras helt på vad mannen kan göra för henne. Det är en så genomvidrig äcklig och monumental lögn att man bara kan konstatera att kvinnor är själlösa som inte fattar nånting om djup. Allt är materiellt i deras fattiga värld.

De måste ha klara och tydliga incitament för att vara med mannen och då menar jag inte "Men åhh, han måste vara snygg" utan att deras sex och "kärlek" aldrig kommer gratis för att de själva genuint vill. Kvinnor förstår faktiskt inte manlig sexualitet och de anstränger sig inte för att vilja förstå då deras intellekt är ytligt.
2018-03-12, 23:52
NiveaBodylotions avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Babianen
Här är några till exempel som jag tycker är bra,

Had the elephant in the room talk

The worst rejection I've ever gotten

så här är sex-livet i vanliga relationer för er brahs som inte vet.
Det rätta hade varit att om hon nu inte vill ha sex kan hon säga det efter ungen och hemmet är fixat och påpeka att en älskarinna är okej men majoriteten av kvinnor är själviska. Dessa historier påminner mig om att aldrig gifta sig.
2018-03-13, 07:32
Babianens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av NiveaBodylotion
Det rätta hade varit att om hon nu inte vill ha sex kan hon säga det efter ungen och hemmet är fixat och påpeka att en älskarinna är okej men majoriteten av kvinnor är själviska. Dessa historier påminner mig om att aldrig gifta sig.

1) Men då skulle mannen lämna henne för kvinnan som har sex med honom och hon skulle förlora hans inkomst, uppmärksamhet, och stöd i vardagen.

2) Kvinnor ser relationer som ett zero sum game: ju fler saker som mannen får desto färre får kvinnan.

3) Här är några till exempel just to make sure,

This is my list of my thoughts that I plan on giving to my wife to discuss our DB

In short, I'm 41 HL and my wife is 41 LL and have been married almost 22 years of which most has been a DB. We are intimate about 2-3 times a month but feels as if it is duty sex as I always initiate and she hardly ever does. She has stated several times that sex is a chore and it really struck a nerve this last time. I guess I'm a slow learner as she has had the same attitude for our entire marriage. We have 3 kids, 1 in college, 1 in high school, and one in middle school. I have no intentions of leaving her until the last child leaves. Most of everything else in our marriage is great and love her family.
I don’t want this to be a guilt starter as this is about us. There is no “right or wrong” on either side. I am who I am and you are who you are, there is nothing wrong with that. I love you and always have. I have always believed that you are the best thing that has happened to me! o I’ve resented our sex life from our first year of marriage and have always missed the passion in our marriage like we had when we were dating.
o I have never cheated on you, had many opportunities, but felt that I couldn’t do that to you or the thought of facing the kids and family as giving up on you.
o I thought about divorce early in our marriage but couldn’t follow through with it. o Our marriage feels like we are roommates who are raising our children.
You said last week when I was cuddling with you that sex was a chore. I’ve always thought that you felt that way as there usually isn’t anything there.

Sex has been a problem for our entire marriage. I'm just finally at the point to where the chase is not worth it anymore.

She is the one that stated it was a chore. Now this was after having sex one once in the last month as I was out of town for two weeks and didn't have sex 2 weeks prior to that. Typically, we would have sex 2-3 times a month at best with 1-2 times being the usual but it was never with any passion.

Just going through the motions of life.

I decided last month to not go through with the divorce. I felt so shallow getting divorced because I wasn't getting what I wanted. That I was going to blow up a whole life together because I wasn't happy. I thought about it for a while and came to the realization that all I would be doing is making both of us unhappy since I know I'll never be happy, single, married or otherwise. I'm just a miserable person so getting divorced because I'm unhappy just creates more net unhappiness in the world.
Instead, I can continue to fake being happy. I can continue to make more money, provide a living, and be what is expected.

In spite of that, for the short time, I was separated I tried to date. I didn't want a relationship, I just wanted to go out for coffee. Apparently OLD is the primary method people do this now. So I got on Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and plenty of fish among others and got to work. This is how I came to the realization that my current relationship is the best I will ever get. After two months of swiping and whatever I got exactly 0 matches. So when you say I'm 34 yes I am a 34, not very tall, not very attractive man who makes mediocre money and has literally nothing going for him.
2018-03-13, 07:53
NiveaBodylotions avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Babianen
1) Men då skulle mannen lämna henne för kvinnan som har sex med honom och hon skulle förlora hans inkomst, uppmärksamhet, och stöd i vardagen.
Om mannen inte vill uppfostra ungen med mamman kanske han drar. Dessutom om mannen är tillsammans med kvinnan så länge är han lojal så ingen absolut garanti att han drar även om han har en älskarinna

2) Kvinnor ser relationer som ett zero sum game: ju fler saker som mannen får desto färre får kvinnan.
Det stämmer i många fall. Kvinnan blir avundsjuk som ett barn.
3) Här är några till exempel just to make sure,
Jag förstod första gången men tack ändå.
2018-03-13, 08:52
Babianens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av NiveaBodylotion
Om mannen inte vill uppfostra ungen med mamman kanske han drar.

1) Kvinnor försöker binda mannen med saker som äktenskap, barn, hus, gemensamma vänner, att mannen går ner sig, skuld och skam, sen drar de ner på sexet.

2) Kvinnor som har tålamod brukar lyckas. Kvinnor som är för heta på gröten blir ofta dumpade. Till exempel de slutar med sex efter 2 månader.

Ursprungligen postat av NiveaBodylotion
Dessutom om mannen är tillsammans med kvinnan så länge är han lojal så ingen absolut garanti att han drar även om han har en älskarinna

1) Men kvinnor skulle garanterat dra i samma situation.

2) Det är därför som de tror att han skulle dra för att de skulle göra det.

3) Kvinnor är mycket mer realistiska än män. Om en kvinna inte får vad hon vill ha, eller hon ser en bättre deal, drar hon direkt.

4) Om en kvinna kan komma undan med att inte ha sex kommer hon att göra det.
2018-03-13, 09:32
Ursprungligen postat av Babianen
1) Kvinnor försöker binda mannen med saker som äktenskap, barn, hus, gemensamma vänner, att mannen går ner sig, skuld och skam, sen drar de ner på sexet.
2) Kvinnor som har tålamod brukar lyckas. Kvinnor som är för heta på gröten blir ofta dumpade. Till exempel de slutar med sex efter 2 månader.
A) Men kvinnor skulle garanterat dra i samma situation.
B) Det är därför som de tror att han skulle dra för att de skulle göra det.
C) Kvinnor är mycket mer realistiska än män. Om en kvinna inte får vad hon vill ha, eller hon ser en bättre deal, drar hon direkt.
D) Om en kvinna kan komma undan med att inte ha sex kommer hon att göra det.

1) Är det så du gjort? Fast ni bor ju inte ens i ett hus.
2) Gissar att du har ett mycket stort tålamod.
A) Varför har inte du dragit då?
B) Varför har inte din man gjort det då?
C) Det håller jag med om.
D) Så du har aldrig sex med andra ord.
2018-03-13, 10:06
Babianens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
1) Är det så du gjort? Fast ni bor ju inte ens i ett hus.

Min mamma har 2 hus som jag kan bo i om jag vill.

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
A) Varför har inte du dragit då?

Jag gillar sexet.

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
B) Varför har inte din man gjort det då?

I dunno.

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
D) Så du har aldrig sex med andra ord.

1) Titta på min avatar. Ser det ut som att jag inte gillar sex?

2) Här är fler exempel från reddit,

a) I love my husband, but can't bring myself to have sex with him

I am the LL one in our DB, and its destroying our marriage.
I've never really been "into" sex, but things did seem okay with my husband before we got married. We had regular sex, which I was fine with and which he really enjoyed. He always did his best to make it pleasurable for me - he's not a selfish lover at all - but I rarely got much physical pleasure from it - I just used to like the closeness.
After kids things went completely wrong. Sexual intercourse became painful for me, and although its better now a few years later, its still often uncomfortable, particularly if sex goes on too long. I'm also tired all the time - looking after young kids and working part time is exhausting, and I have medical problems which mean I tire easily. Basically, I'd only ever have sex with him to make him happy.
At the moment we are in crisis, and haven't been intimate for the last few months. For maybe 10 years before that, we were probably having sex maybe once every 3 weeks on average, although we would sometimes go 2 or 3 months without sex. I would never initiate, it would always be him, and I'm afraid I used to find excuses to avoid it for as long as possible before finally giving in. He has said he found the frequency frustrating, the rejection demoralising, and that he usually felt like a borderline rapist when we did have sex because I would just lay there waiting for it to be over and not really get involved much.

I don't get anything out of sex at all. I've never had an orgasm - either with a partner or on my own. I don't enjoy "proper" kissing either - I'm not sure why, but never have. I can't bring myself to give BJs, because I personally find it disgusting, and am uncomfortable receiving oral sex for the same reasons. I can just about bring myself to give a handjob, but generally I just don't like any sexual contact - touching or being touched. I even feel a bit uncomfortable if my husband masturbates in bed next to me.

I DO love him, and I show him that in lots of other ways - I'm physically affectionate with holding hands and hugging, I spend time with him without the kids, I buy him thoughtful and romantic gifts, I tell him how much I love him. Why can't this be enough? Why does the one thing I CAN'T do for him any more have to be the thing which defines the success (or NOT) of our relationship?
I'm pretty sure he's going to leave me soon. He's given up hope on us every having a sex life, and I think he is mostly staying now because he wants to carry on living with our kids. I feel awful and guilty because he seems like a broken man, whereas he was so confident and full of life and energy before.

As a man who has not had any sexual relations with his wife for 3 years, tha k you. I'm filing for divorce and will have to Co exist I will remember this post, and it will be very helpful for me....thank you

b) "I hate sex"

In fact i brought it up yesterday just in passing because I kind of feel like maybe it's because she no longers finds me attractive I said "If you were married to Usher would you still never wanna do anything?" her answer was "idk" , I said that's helpful. Then she said "I love when you hold me, and cuddle with me. I just hate sex"

c) Wife (32) seems to hate sex.

Won't let me touch her nipples as they're too sensitive. Doesn't like me touching her pussy. Hates oral. Hates giving oral. Everything is more important. We haven't had a quickie in 8 years and only ever do missionary. I'm tired of having to jerk off and am contemplating seeking casual sex.
Not sure what to do. Worried she's a lost cause. When we first met she was a nymphomaniac, nothing was off limits. Since we had kids it's like being married to a nun.
Problem is, when we do have sex I know she's only doing it to keep me quiet. Not because she wants it.

Should I let her have it her way and sort my needs elsewhere?

I sound like your wife. I hate my nipples being messed with post kids. Being touched sexually or asked for favors without having the chance to disconnect my mind from mom mode (especially) or any other responsibility just frustrates me. I mean I need my mind redirected to sex in a way that isn't being asked for me to stop what I'm doing then and there and jump on it. It needs to be a thought in the back of my head. I don't mean I've been watching a TV show or reading a book and I'm 'doing nothing' so I've had time to unwind and we should do it. That's not the same thing, I haven't mentally prepared for sex and I need that. I can only finish in missionary position, but I'll do the others for a while just to please him despite not getting much of anything out of those positions anymore. I love sex and before kids my husband and I had a lot of it. After kids I've been trying to rediscover my identity past "mom" and "wife". I would absolutely love time to actually reconnect with my husband and feel that he wants me vs. just wanting sex. Knowing he desires me, not just desires sex, would definitely help me rediscover my identity as a sexual woman. I think you two need some solid time together before you seek outside poon.

After seeing several of her female friends abandoned by their husbands, my wife has become much more sexual recently. After pushing herself to "just do it" several times she has begun to recapture her sexuality and is now enjoying sex again.

d) I [35F] am tired of having sex, don't want to have sex with husband (34M) anymore.

I have struggled with a low sex drive since our first child was born, but recently things have gotten much much worse. Even just a few months ago I was game to have sex every 3-4 weeks but now I'm at a point were I am done. I just don't want it anymore and I want to find a way to tell my husband so that it won't crush him.
When I think about sex it feels like if I ate pizza every single day for years then my husband asks if I want pizza for dinner. It's like I have had enough sex for my lifetime and I'm just done. When will it be enough, when will I reach the magic line were enough sex has been had that I won't be called on to have it. It just feels never ending, and I just hate the idea that I am expected to keep going and having sex till one of us dies.
Some more information, my husband is a really great man and father (we have two kids) he gives me tons of space and doesn't pressure me. But he does become bitter and depressed for a few days every couple of months, which he says is from a lack of sex. Previously I would initiate (he doesn't so that I don't feel pressured) because I felt insecure in the relationship. Like if I didn't have sex at least every once and awhile he would eventually leave the marriage. I'm terrified of him leaving me, but I've felt more secure in the marriage since we have started therapy.

I used to enjoy sex before I had my first child, which was a super hard pregnancy. Until recently I still got the benefit of feeling a closeness during sex, but now even that is gone.

tl;dr: I'm done with sex, need a way to talk to my husband and have him understand.
2018-03-13, 10:15
Ursprungligen postat av Babianen
1) Min mamma har 2 hus som jag kan bo i om jag vill.
2) Jag gillar sexet.
1) Titta på min avatar. Ser det ut som att jag inte gillar sex?

b) "I hate sex"
1) Vad har din mamma med detta att göra, du skrev att kvinnan (du) binder upp mannen med hus och barn, right?
2) Nej, kvinnor gillar inte sex skriver du, då kan du inte påstå att du gillar sex, isåfall är du en fulgubbe som trollar.
1) Ja, du ser sjuk ut, en anorektiskt sjuk människa kan inte ha sex.
b) Jag vet att du hatar sex men försöker framstå som någon porrstjärna. Har du jobbat inom sexindustrin?
2018-03-13, 10:25
Babianens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
1) Vad har din mamma med detta att göra, du skrev att kvinnan (du) binder upp mannen med hus och barn, right?

1) De flesta kvinnor försöker binda upp mannen med ett huslån som han inte (enkelt) kan komma undan.

2) Jag kan bo i ett hus om jag vill, min man behöver inte betala något för det.

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
2) Nej, kvinnor gillar inte sex skriver du, då kan du inte påstå att du gillar sex, isåfall är du en fulgubbe som trollar.

Det finns en minoritet av kvinnor som gillar sex. Jag har postat studier på det tidigare i tråden.

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
1) Ja, du ser sjuk ut, en anorektiskt sjuk människa kan inte ha sex.

1) Jag jobbar ganska hårt för att vara knullbar. Det här är 10 månader efter mitt 3e barn, om jag inte ville ha sex skulle jag inte jobba så hårt på min kropp.

2) Här är fler exempel att jämföra med, Married people of reddit, how's your sex life?

Got a hand job last week on my birthday, before that i think it would have been 4 months ago we started missionairy and then she said "can you finish youtself off, iam tired" Starfish arnt the most energetic creatures i spose

Am I seriously the only one who's marriage sex blows? Its a pity fuck or its boring ass missionary. If I get her drunk she'll let me eat her to answer your question unfulfilled. For reference 4 years married 7 years known no kids.

No. You aren't. Mine is similar. Except my wife loves being eaten out. Other than that we rarely have sex. I don't get blow jobs anymore. I also never get hand jobs anymore. Been married almost 4 years with two kids.

Similar issue different reason. Sex is abundant and pretty much always on the table, but is unfulfilling, bland and detached. She tries, but she can't do my kinks...and I've tried but just can't do her kinks.

Dont assume they havent. I have had the "sex is an important part" talk with my wife numerous times. Some people just dont care if they do it or not. I for one think its amazing. She can go with out forever if i diddnt press the issue.

Not all that great. Went from every other day the 1st year, to once a week for next 3 years, now it's once a month. Having 3 kids hurt, but even after its like her drive is not there anymore.

My what?
Married just over 7 years. Son almost 6. Haven't had sex for over 6 years.
Guess when my last time was

Ursprungligen postat av proctorian
b) Jag vet att du hatar sex men försöker framstå som någon porrstjärna. Har du jobbat inom sexindustrin?
Senast redigerad av Babianen 2018-03-13 kl. 10:32.

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