Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
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2015-05-18, 19:37
Ursprungligen postat av experten10
En förlorare är e förlorare oavsett vilken åsikt ha råkar ha.

a looser cant argue for his views

as i understood it, you call yourself a national socialist, am i right? National socialists generally take the protocols of zion for truth, which is correct.

The protocols of zion IS real, and it ties into the bible. The protocols of zion is about the cainite priesthood that leads the jews and freemasons. The snake in the protocols of zion is about the seed of satan, which is the cainites.

I said before here, in satanism, humans are views as nothing but dumb animals, in talmud, non-jews are called "goyim" and animals in the shape of humans which only purpose is to serve the jews. Dont belive me? Use google and do some research yourself. And in freemasonic rituals, you die and rise up again as jews. This is how jews are mislead, trough the talmud and theyre rabbis, which go back to babylon and the cainite priesthood.

The cainites arent real jews, the bible also says: "Beware of those who call themselves jews but are not, for they are the synagogue of satan". This is how it ties into the bible.

- The cainites were real and called themselves phoenicians among other things, you will find lots about them in history books outside of the bible

- The freemasons are real, if you dont belive they are real you can go to one of theyre masonic lodges and see with your own eyes that they indeed exist and have very fancy and expensive "clubs"

- The talmud is a real book, and you can buy it yourself and read with your own 2 eyes the quotes i refer to.

- Jewish involvement in banking go way back, and since usury was forbidden for christians, jews allmost got monopoly on banking and finance in medieval europe. They were called "court jews", hoffjuden etc and managed finance for european kings and emperors. This is how some "jewish" families accumulated enormous wealth, and you will also find this and various jewish family names in the lexica you probaby have back home or various history books. The freemasons and especially the knights templar were also heavily involved in banking because they also go by the same books, the kabbalah, which is why the christians in europe eventually condemned them to death for satanworship, because thats exactly what they were involved in.

This all ties into big underground pedophilia networks, the odd rituals you can find videos on from bohemian grove, skull and bones and other "elite clubs" where bored hyperwealthy people do funny things which often is caught on camera. This is also how they remain loyal to theyre networks, because if they arent, videos of them having sex with young boys etc will leak out to the press. Some of the sexscandals wealthy people are involved in ties into this because they somehow got themselves in trouble with the wrong people.
Senast redigerad av sonofsatan 2015-05-18 kl. 19:53.
2015-05-19, 12:33
Ursprungligen postat av sonofsatan
a looser cant argue for his views

A loser can't spell the word loser.

Ursprungligen postat av sonofsatan
as i understood it, you call yourself a national socialist, am i right? National socialists generally take the protocols of zion for truth, which is correct.

Your level of understanding is apparently low.

Ursprungligen postat av sonofsatan
The protocols of zion IS real, and it ties into the bible. The protocols of zion is about the cainite priesthood that leads the jews and freemasons. The snake in the protocols of zion is about the seed of satan, which is the cainites.

I said before here, in satanism, humans are views as nothing but dumb animals, in talmud, non-jews are called "goyim" and animals in the shape of humans which only purpose is to serve the jews. Dont belive me? Use google and do some research yourself. And in freemasonic rituals, you die and rise up again as jews. This is how jews are mislead, trough the talmud and theyre rabbis, which go back to babylon and the cainite priesthood.

The cainites arent real jews, the bible also says: "Beware of those who call themselves jews but are not, for they are the synagogue of satan". This is how it ties into the bible.

- The cainites were real and called themselves phoenicians among other things, you will find lots about them in history books outside of the bible

- The freemasons are real, if you dont belive they are real you can go to one of theyre masonic lodges and see with your own eyes that they indeed exist and have very fancy and expensive "clubs"

- The talmud is a real book, and you can buy it yourself and read with your own 2 eyes the quotes i refer to.

- Jewish involvement in banking go way back, and since usury was forbidden for christians, jews allmost got monopoly on banking and finance in medieval europe. They were called "court jews", hoffjuden etc and managed finance for european kings and emperors. This is how some "jewish" families accumulated enormous wealth, and you will also find this and various jewish family names in the lexica you probaby have back home or various history books. The freemasons and especially the knights templar were also heavily involved in banking because they also go by the same books, the kabbalah, which is why the christians in europe eventually condemned them to death for satanworship, because thats exactly what they were involved in.

This all ties into big underground pedophilia networks, the odd rituals you can find videos on from bohemian grove, skull and bones and other "elite clubs" where bored hyperwealthy people do funny things which often is caught on camera. This is also how they remain loyal to theyre networks, because if they arent, videos of them having sex with young boys etc will leak out to the press. Some of the sexscandals wealthy people are involved in ties into this because they somehow got themselves in trouble with the wrong people.

Yeah, yeah... old books. The communist manifesto is also a book. Did you know that?

You list a bunch of books. Then you say all is lost. As I said you actually argue for that everything is lost. That's what anti-whites do too.
2015-05-19, 18:38
Norrlands.gulds avatar
Aschberg låter som han sugit i sig bra många järn i den intervjun, riktigt jävla försupen låter han.
2015-12-23, 14:09
Ursprungligen postat av HippoBlack
Smart kille.

Som gick på bidrag och rånade sina offer ?
2015-12-24, 08:21
Linnaeusss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Trappedinuniverse
Jag blev nästan rädd att en person som har begått sådana hemska handlingar har EXAKT min uppfattning om saker och ting.
Må så hända att han har begått en del barbariska gärningar, fast enligt mig kommer det aldrig bli ett gott skäl till att avskräckas från nationalismen som ideologi och istället stödja egalitaristernas utopiska samhälle som gång på gång har misslyckats genom historien. Enskilda individer som inte begriper att ideologin handlar om moraler och sofistik dödar, men merparten av oss förstår att detta bara skadar ideologin.
2016-09-17, 21:40
Jensenbiffhuss avatar
Finnjäveln borde vända vapnet mot sig själv, det var ju hans landsmän som är grundorsaken.
2023-03-16, 04:48
Hejhejvidicas avatar
Varför ligger tråden här ?
Mangs är och var vänsterpartist .

Upplysningsvis så satte han kulor i invandrare för knarkhandlande blattar tog livet av hans syster.
Att hans hat blev stort mot alla blattar där och då borde bli mer känt.
Senast redigerad av Hejhejvidica 2023-03-16 kl. 04:54.
2023-03-17, 18:16
skillnads avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Hejhejvidica
Varför ligger tråden här ?
Mangs är och var vänsterpartist .

Upplysningsvis så satte han kulor i invandrare för knarkhandlande blattar tog livet av hans syster.
Att hans hat blev stort mot alla blattar där och då borde bli mer känt.
Hade jag ingen aning om. Då växer han faktiskt i mina ögon.

Var det orent knark inblandat i hans systers död?
2023-03-18, 17:32
Hejhejvidicas avatar
Ursprungligen postat av skillnad
Hade jag ingen aning om. Då växer han faktiskt i mina ögon.

Var det orent knark inblandat i hans systers död?

Du kan ju utgå att det blev för mycket av skiten oavsett.
Msm har ju tidigt lagt agendan för hur Mangs skulle framställas.
Dvs rasist.
Det finns m å n g a rasister på den grunden i världen.
Heroin pushande avskrap från fittländer tog livet av hans syster och han bestämde sej för att betala tillbaka på sitt sätt.
2023-03-18, 20:19
skillnads avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Hejhejvidica
Du kan ju utgå att det blev för mycket av skiten oavsett.
Msm har ju tidigt lagt agendan för hur Mangs skulle framställas.
Dvs rasist.
Det finns m å n g a rasister på den grunden i världen.
Heroin pushande avskrap från fittländer tog livet av hans syster och han bestämde sej för att betala tillbaka på sitt sätt.
Jo precis. Jag är inte alls insatt i fallet men om detta stämmer finns det onekligen en mycket djupare historia här än vad vi först blev matade med. Så pass att jag tycker man bör rehabilitera Mangs motiv med mer förståelse av vad han gjorde. Självklart vill inte vår vidriga massmedia att folket skall se Mangs verkliga motiv.
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