Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2014-03-09, 13:19
Laddade ner en sak, måste extrahera den och när jag gör det så är det några Dll filer som inte kan extraheras och får error 0x80004005. Någon som vet vad som är fel?
2014-03-09, 13:32
Korrupt fil?
2014-03-09, 13:35
About Error 0x80004005

The operation failed with error 0x80004005

Error 0x80004005 denotes "Access denied". This error message indicates that the program that returned the error did not have sufficient priveleges to perform the requested operation. Windows and it's file system are protected by an ascending hierarchy of permission levels. Programs may only perform operations for which they have the required permissions. If a program attempts to perform an operation for which it does not have the necessary permissions, it may return the error 0x80004005 (Access denied). This result is by design in adherence to Windows' security parameters. In order for a program to successfully complete an operation that requires permissions above it's normal clearance level, it's permission level must be elevated by an Administrator.

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