Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2013-11-12, 22:04
Erik Östs avatar
Al-shabab förnekar att någon terrorist flydde från köpcentrat. Det var tydligen ett självmordsuppdrag av lycksökande kåta jungfrujägare.

Hur ska man förklara för dom där religiösa stenåldersmänniskorna att det funkar inte riktigt så om man vill hitta brudar ?
2013-11-24, 22:57
murduks avatar
vem sa att man får säga jesus kristus
2013-12-12, 00:36
NYPD fanns på plats. Enligt deras rapport var det 4 terrorister - och de lyckades förmodligen ta sig från shoppinggallerian levande.

There were only four of them and it appears very likely they escaped alive.
So the New York City Police Department sent two detectives to Nairobi when the three-day siege at the Westgate Mall was still going on. And while the text of the report issued today is based on publicly available information, including two detailed Kenyan television documentaries compiled from the mall’s closed circuit television footage, the detectives were able to corroborate and cross-check vital information.
An unexploded grenade was found at the scene afterward. If it had gone off, still more would have died.

But the shooters did not have many such explosives. There were no improvised devices set up as booby traps to kill first responders, as there had been when terrorists attacked hotels in Mumbai in 2008. In Nairobi “they were traveling light,” says the author of the NYPD report. Their main weapons were their Kalashnikov-style rifles, and it appears they never fired them on full automatic like a machine gun. They took one or two or three shots at a time. They conserved their ammunition. They probably carried only about 320 rounds altogether.

Now the slaughter really began in earnest. The terrorists had no interest in taking hostages. Their purpose was to kill as many people as possible, although in some cases they asked their victims if they were Muslims, and could name the mother of the Prophet Mohammed. Some of those who knew the name, Aminah, were allowed to go free.
2014-09-09, 12:54
spoilers avatar
"På skolen var norsksomalieren Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow (23) snill og pliktoppfyllende. På fritiden hyllet han jihad og ekstremistisk tankegods på internett. I fjor var han med å drepe minst 67 mennesker i Kenya."
2014-09-22, 16:18
spoilers avatar
"The slow moving trial in Nairobi — which opened in January — has heard evidence from people who were at the mall when the gunmen from Somalia’s Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab launched their attack in September 2013, killing at least 67 people.

Police firearm expert Lawrence Nthiwa produced a report detailing the weapons “recovered from the terrorist attack” in the wreckage of the upmarket mall, which included remains of eight damaged assault rifles.


The suspects — Hussein Hassan Mustafa, Mohammed Ahmed Abdi, Liban Abdullah Omar and Adan Mohammed Abdikadir — are not accused of carrying out the attack, but of providing support to the terrorists.

The four are charged with conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack, being members of a terrorist group and possession of material linked to the terrorism offence.


Like the attackers, the four on trial are all ethnic Somalis, but it is unclear whether they are Somali or Kenyan citizens. Two previously worked as Islamic teachers, the other two as small time businessmen.

The trial continues on September 23."
2014-10-14, 04:29
GoldenBlitz.s avatar
Dokument utifrån om attacken Kanske intresserar någon.
2014-10-14, 13:15
IIIDraculs avatar
Hörde att militären som gick till motattack och sökte igenom köpcentret betedde sig lite illa, de plundrade alkohol från butiker?
2015-01-11, 11:15
konstapels avatar
Det mest flagranta i terrordådet är väl den totala inkompetensen och flatheten hos den kenyanska militären och deras specialstyrka. De enda som till sist försökte göra något var ju en grupp lokala poliser som tröttnade på militärens brist på handlingskraft.
2015-03-18, 22:34
En av ledarna för al-Shabaab, Adnan Garaar, ska ha dödats den 12 mars i en amerikansk drönarattack, enligt USA:s försvarshögkvarter Pentagon. Adnan Garaar uppges vara en av hjärnorna bakom attacken mot gallerian Westgate i Nairobi, då minst 67 människor dödades.
2015-09-04, 09:40
spoilers avatar
"Den norska säkerhetspolisen (PST) bekräftar nu att en norsk medborgare deltog i terrorattentatet mot köpcentret Westgate i Kenyas huvudstad Nairobi för två år sedan. - Vår slutsats är att Hassan Dhuhulow var en av terroristerna."
2020-10-08, 23:14
spoilers avatar
"A court in Kenya convicted two men on Wednesday for their involvement in the deadly 2013 Westgate shopping mall attack in Nairobi that left dozens of people dead.

The men were convicted of conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack and possession of an article connected with a terrorism offense, according to a verdict read by Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi.
CNN affiliate CitizenTV named the two guilty men as Mohammed Ahmed Abdi and Hussein Hassan Mustafa.

A third man was acquitted of all charges due to a lack of sufficient evidence supporting the prosecutor's case that he had advance knowledge of the attack while a fourth man was acquitted in January 2019 due to insufficient evidence to prove he falsified his identity."

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