In a concerted effort to match up to China’s burgeoning shipbuilding capability, the United States is courting its Asian allies, Japan and South Korea, to help it restart redundant shipyards. [...] In a concerted effort to match up to China’s burgeoning shipbuilding capability, the United States is courting its Asian allies, Japan and South Korea, to help it restart redundant shipyards. The US approach focuses on tapping Asian funding, engineering know-how, and shipbuilding experience to expand its shipbuilding capacity, Nikkeia Asia reported.Kina kan inte bara bygga fler skepp än USA. Kina kan bygga dem i en betydligt snabbare takt. Som amiralen Michael M. Gilday påpekade i kongressen så är de kinesiska skeppen i teknisk och kvalitetsmässig paritet med de amerikanska skeppen. Eurotimes illustrerar den massiva skillnaden mellan USA och Kina angående varvskapacitet;
A leaked US Navy Intelligence presentation slide revealed last year that the Chinese shipyards could build ships at a whopping 232 times faster than the US. Chinese shipyards can build over 23.2 million tons, while US shipyards can only create fewer than 100,000 tons.En finansialiserad ekonomi i kombination med nyliberalism får konsekvenser för industriell kapacitet. Det betyder inte att börsen och finansmarknaden är exceptionellt viktiga. Kina är högst involverad i den finansiella marknaden men på ett annorlunda sätt än USA. Från Reuters;
Now a second China shock is quietly detonating in international finance. Two decades of current account surpluses enabled the country to accumulate the largest trove of foreign savings the world has ever seen. Since the turn of the millennium, it has amassed net foreign assets worth $4.3 trillion, making it by some distance the largest creditor nation. Having this gigantic stock of dollars at its disposal has made China into a titan of global finance as well as manufacturing.Kina är världens största borgenär i den globala södern. Detta spelar större roll än artificiellt höga börsvärden. År 2013 uppgick Kinas BNP per capita till $7040. År 2023 uppgick Kinas BNP per capita till $12,540. Jag skulle säga att detta är ett tecken framgång men siffrorna säger inte allt. Ett lands BNP utgör till 15-30% av landets valutavärde. Kina trycker medvetet ned sin valuta av ekonomiska anledningar. Det är också därför det råder en dissonans mellan Kinas PPP och nominella BNP. Tyvärr har många ekonomer en tendens att missbruka måttet BNP. Jag tycker att den här satiren säger rätt mycket om den amerikanska debatten;
The steep rise in U.S. and euro zone interest rates since 2022 has choked off private capital flows to developing countries, leaving many borrowers in the lurch. The IMF now classifies, opens new tab almost half of all low-income countries as being in debt distress or at high risk of it. China, as the largest official creditor in most of these cases, has become the claimant-in-chief in an incipient developing country debt crisis.
In today’s tense geopolitical environment, it is tempting to conclude that it would be better to wind back the clock to the days when the West dominated development lending. Thus in 2019, the U.S. established a new International Development Finance Corporation, billed as re-establishing the U.S. as “a stronger and more competitive leader on the global development stage”. Two years later it pledged, opens new tab $200 billion to launch the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment – an alternative to China’s BRI. Yet the history of attempts to fight the original China trade shock show why such efforts to reverse China’s emergence as a preeminent power in sovereign finance is unlikely to work.
The fungibility of global money and commerce means that international trade and finance resist the attempts of any single country to control them. Unless tariffs are coordinated across all major trading partners, for example, trade protection tends simply to reshuffle bilateral deficits and surpluses while leaving overall imbalances untouched. That is the logic behind the multilateralism embodied in the WTO. The latest proof of its coherence was the failure of the Trump administration’s 2018 anti-China tariffs to achieve their desired effect. Over the next four years the U.S. trade deficit ballooned by two-thirds. China’s exports of goods vaulted to a new all-time high.
Kinas WIPO-ranking: 2010 (rank; 43), 2011 (29), 2012 (34), 2013 (35), 2014 (29), 2015 (29), 2016 (25), 2017 (22), 2018 (17), 2019 (14), 2020 (14), 2021 (12), 2022 (11) och 2023 (12)Under Jinping har Kina gått från plats 35 (2013) till plats 12 (2023) i WIPO. Det är inte ett tecken på kinesisk innovation har blivit sämre under hans ledarskap. Under 2023 gjorde Kina tex. framsteg i kvanteknologi, stamcell forskning, medicinteknik osv. utöver Kinas snabba framsteg inom halvledarindustrin. Faktum är att Kina blir allt starkare när det kommer till innovation. I synnerhet inom tekniska och naturvetenskapliga fält. Från Nature;
Following an upward trajectory of scientific productivity that has been gathering steam for decades, China has reached a new milestone. In 2022, for the first time, the country had the highest Share score in the Nature Index for the natural sciences, surpassing the United States.Precis som du skriver är "fritänkande" en förutsättning för innovation men det är inte samma sak som att tillåta ekonomiska särintressen i finansen eller techindustrin sätta den ekonomiska doktrinen. Kommunistpartiet har gjort det klart för Ant Group (Alibaba) och Jack Ma att det är partiet som bestämmer i Kina och inte privata storföretag. Kina är fortfarande kapitalistiskt och tillåtande men lobbygrupper som motsvarar Svenskt Näringsliv hålls nere. Med det sagt betyder det inte att kommunistpartiet alltid fattar goda beslut.
Our research reveals that China has built the foundations to position itself as the world’s leading science and technology superpower, by establishing a sometimes stunning lead in high-impact research across the majority of critical and emerging technology domains.
China’s global lead extends to 37 out of 44 technologies that ASPI is now tracking, covering a range of crucial technology fields spanning defence, space, robotics, energy, the environment, biotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI), advanced materials and key quantum technology areas.1 The Critical Technology Tracker shows that, for some technologies, all of the world’s top 10 leading research institutions are based in China and are collectively generating nine times more high-impact research papers than the second-ranked country
A key area in which China excels is defence and space-related technologies. China’s strides in nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles reportedly took US intelligence by surprise in August 2021.
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