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Och då undrar man ju: om en verklig kraftmätning mellan väst och Kina/Ryssland står för dörren, varför försvagar det kinesiska ledarskapet i så fall den egna industrin på det här viset?
Det är mycket med det som pågår nu som är mystiskt, liksom höljt i dunkel, och som väcker frågor. Låt mig ta ett annat illustrativt exempel.
I dagarna presenterades den förre brasilianske presidenten Dilma Rousseff (låter för övrigt som ett potentiellt judiskt namn men enligt
Wiki var hennes far en etnisk bulgar och kommunist vid namn Petar Rusev som blev naturaliserad brasilianare och tog namnet Pedro Rousseff) som ny ordförande för New Development Bank (hädanefter NDB), BRICS utvecklingsbank:
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Thursday attended the inauguration of former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as head of the New Development Bank (NDB), a multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS).
"The New Development Bank is the product of a partnership among BRICS countries with a view to creating a world with less poverty, less inequality, and more sustainability", said Lula at the NDB visit.
Previously, during the sixth BRICS summit, Rousseff emphasized the importance of BRICS and the bloc's vision. BRICS countries enjoy rich resources and are strong in agriculture, and BRICS nations should build a close and firm partnership, improve global governance, promote a multipolar world, and boost the democratization of international relations, Rousseff pointed out at the summit.
Both sides explored the opportunities for further collaboration, including NDB's potential for supporting Brazil's efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change and promote green finance.
Kort bakgrund på NDB:
The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).[1] According to the Agreement on the NDB, "the Bank shall support public or private projects through loans, guarantees, equity participation and other financial instruments." Moreover, the NDB "shall cooperate with international organizations and other financial entities, and provide technical assistance for projects to be supported by the Bank."[1]
På bankens hemsida förtäljs att i centrum för bankens alla finansieringar står "hållbarhet" och ESG:
At NDB, sustainability is at the core of our mandate. We seek to ensure that all projects financed by the Bank are implemented in a sustainable way and their ESG impacts are assessed, minimised and mitigated during project implementation.
In line with our mandate, we are working to issue green, social, and sustainability debt instruments that are closely aligned with the 2030 Agenda.
Climate Change
NDB seeks to promote mitigation and adaptation measures to address climate change. We aim to build upon existing green economic growth initiatives and provide support for new ones at regional, national, sub-national and private sector levels.
We also encourage climate proofing of its infrastructure financing and investments to build resilience to climate change.
Gender Equality
At NDB, we believe that gender equality is important to successful and sustainable economic development. We consider it imperative to mainstream gender equality issues in all of our operations.
I bankens strategiuppdatering för åren 2022-2026 framgår att
Agenda 2030 är centralt i strategin (se sida 4 och 7):
The Strategy is guided by the following four overarching considerations:
... 2. The criticality of the
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and member
countries’ commitments
under the Paris Agreement
on Climate Change (Paris
The BRICS countries and other EMDCs, while pursuing
their respective national development agendas, have
made strong commitments to the global ambitions
under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (2030 Agenda), the SDGs, and the Paris
Två huvudmål för tidsperioden är (se sida 28, förvånade mig lite att dessa lirare börjat med "jämställdhet" av den sorten):
Direct 40% of total financing to projects contributing to climate change mitigation
and adaptation, including energy transition, over 2022–2026
Institution building: Increase female representation to 40% of professional and managerial staff by 2026
Förra hösten gjordes ett gemensamt uttalande med bl a Världsbanken och European Investment Bank (EU:s bank) om vikten av att satsa på massa åtgärder vad gäller "climate change":
Jag stannar där vad gäller den biten. Vilka andra förutom Rousseff sitter i styret för banken? Jo, exempelvis en gammal Goldman Sachs-bankir samt en kines som har jobbat för FN och Världsbanken:
The Board of Governors of the New Development Bank (NDB) has appointed Mr. Vladimir Kazbekov, Mr. Qiangwu Zhou and Mr. Leslie Maasdorp as Vice-Presidents of the NDB from July 7, 2021.
Mr. Qiangwu Zhou
Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer
Prior to that, Mr. Zhou was Director General of the International Economic and Financial Institute (IEFI), MOF’s leading think tank on international economics and development for eight years. He was also assigned to work in the UN’s Administrative and Budgetary Committee, representing the Government of China during 1999-2002, and served as Advisor and then Senior Advisor to the Executive Director for China in the World Bank Group during 2008-2011.
Since 2015, Mr. Leslie Maasdorp has been serving as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank.
Over the past 25 years, Mr. Leslie Maasdorp has occupied senior leadership roles in both the private and public sectors. He served as a Managing Director and President of Bank of America Merrill Lynch for Southern Africa for a period of four years. Prior to that he served in a dual role as Vice Chairman of Barclays Capital and Absa Capital. In 2002 he was the first African to be appointed as International Advisor to Goldman Sachs International.
2016 aviserade NDB att man skulle använda sig av bland andra just Goldman Sachs som rådgivare:
The Bank shared that it has received AAA institutional rating from domestic credit rating agencies and has appointed Bank of China and China Development Bank as rating advisors. The Bank has also appointed Standard Chartered and Goldman Sachs as advisors for international ratings.
Goldman Sachs och en rad andra storbanker har för övrigt också anlitats för att ta hand om ett antal utlån som banken gjorde under covid, se några exempel nedan:
Jag undrar i skenet av detta och mycket annat vad den "multipolära världen" egentligen syftar till och vilka krafter som egentligen ligger bakom det konceptet.
(Som en total sidonotering kan man vara lite putslustig och undra om samma figurer som ligger bakom ord/termer som "multiracial" och "multicultural" också kommit upp med "multipolar"; ser man den här
filmen som ligger på
NDB:s startsida så kan man nästan tro det.)