Ursprungligen postat av dinpapa
Det är ju en gammal bilstad!
Och amerikanska bilar säljer inte så jätte bra nu.
Fast det har inenting med saken att göra.
Detroit ligger i delstaten Michigan.
Som fortfarande är USAs "bilhuvudstad" och är en USAs starkaste delstater ekonomiskt, med stora pengar som läggs på forskning och mycket industriproduktion.
Manufacturing in the state grew 6.6% from 2001 to 2006, but the high speculative price of oil became a factor for the U.S. auto industry during the economic crisis of 2008 impacting industry revenues. In 2009, GM and Chrysler emerged from Chapter 11 restructurings with financing provided in part by the U.S. and Canandian governments. GM began its initial public offering (IPO) of stock in 2010. For 2010, the Big Three domestic automakers have reported significant profits indicating the beginning of rebound.
Michigan ranks fourth in the U.S. in high tech employment with 568,000 high tech workers, which includes 70,000 in the automotive industry. Michigan typically ranks third or fourth in overall Research & development (R&D) expenditures in the United States. Its research and development, which includes automotive, comprises a higher percentage of the state's overall gross domestic product than for any other U.S. state. The state is an important source of engineering job opportunities. The domestic auto industry accounts directly and indirectly for one of every ten jobs in the U.S.
Michigan was second in the U.S. in 2004 for new corporate facilities and expansions. From 1997 to 2004, Michigan was the only state to top the 10,000 mark for the number of major new developments; however, the effects of the late 2000s recession have slowed the state's economy. In 2008, Michigan placed third in a site selection survey among the states for luring new business which measured capital investment and new job creation per one million population. In August 2009, Michigan and Detroit's auto industry received $1.36 B in grants from the U.S. Department of Energy for the manufacture of electric vehicle technologies which is expected to generate 6,800 immediate jobs and employ 40,000 in the state by 2020. From 2007 to 2009, Michigan ranked 3rd in the U.S. for new corporate facilities and expansions.
Resten av Michigan går oerhört starkt, det är bara Detroit som förfaller.
Och bilindustrin finns kvar i delstaten, den har bara flyttat från det svarta Detroit till mindre, vitare, städer lite längre ut.
Det är som att beskylla Landskronas förfall på varvsindustrins försvinnande, och helt ignorera den stora mängden albaner i staden.