Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
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2012-05-13, 19:03
marc0p0l0s avatar

Som det ser ut just nu, jobbigt för Linke och CDU.

SPD och piraterna kan dock jubla.

FDP och Grüne kan andas.
2012-09-21, 06:25
Pappsengubbens avatar
Julia Schramm har ju lyckats dra strålkastarljuset på Piratpartiet.

"Senior Pirate Party politician Julia Schramm made headlines this week when her publisher took action against pirated copies of her book "Click Me." Now Schramm is at the center of a shitstorm over her wavering positions on intellectual property. Both the tabloid press and members of her own party accuse her of hypocrisy."

Hon är som alla politiker, egoistisk, bortskämd och girig.

"Critics accuse Schramm of double standards.

But the case is not as black-and-white as the tabloid press and the outraged Pirates might suggest. For one, a large portion of envy is mixed into the tirades. Schramm, who is just 26, is reported to have received an advance of €100,000 ($130,000) for her first book."

"She likes to describe herself as a "political scientist, pirate and writer" and refers to herself as "privileged.""

Alltså man kan ju undra över varifrån politikerförakt har sitt ursprung.

Vad tycker ni PPáre stödjer ni era Tyska Systrar och Bröder eller är ni mer renhåriga? Hur många bortskämda, lata och giriga hittar man i era led?
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