Rykten om den nya afghanska regeringen cirkulerar nu i indisk press. Bör tas med en stor hink salt eftersom indisk press är full med konspirationsteorier om Pakistan och Afghanistan. Men detta sagt, så kan de ju ha rätt ibland:
Mullah Hasan to head proposed Taliban govt, Baradar to serve as his deputy: Media report
Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, the chief of the Taliban's powerful decision-making body 'Rehbari Shura', has been named as Afghanistan's new head of state by the insurgent group's top leader Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzada, according to a Pakistani media report.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Chairman of Taliban's Political Office in Doha, and Mullah Abdus Salam will work as deputies of Mullah Hasan in the new Taliban government, which is likely to be announced next week, The News International reported, citing multiple sources.
Det här går emot spekulationerna i västerländsk press om att Mullah Baradar, som är den som höll i förhandlingarna med USA, skulle bli den nya premiärministern. Mullah Hasan Akhund är har dock varit ordförande i talibanernas Shura-råd, som fungerat som deras regering, i 20 år, så det är inte konstigt om han får posten. Innan den amerikanska invasionen var han Afghanistans utrikesminister.
Mulla Yaqoob, son of the Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar, will be the new defence minister, the paper said.
Yaqoob was a student of Mullah Hebatullah, who had earlier appointed him as head of the powerful military commission of the Taliban.
Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of the notorious Haqqani network and son of the famous anti-Soviet warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani, is likely to get the portfolio of interior minister, while Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi will be the new foreign minister, according to the Taliban sources.
Talibanernas talesman Mullah Zabiullah Mujahid, som synts mest i media, påstås bli den högste ledaren Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzadas talesman. Oklart om det är en befordran jämfört med posten som informationsminister.
Citing the Taliban sources, the paper said Mullah Zabiullah Mujahid, whose name was earlier proposed for information minister, will now be the spokesperson for the new head of state.
Mullah Hasan to head proposed Taliban govt, Baradar to serve as his deputy: Media report
Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, the chief of the Taliban's powerful decision-making body 'Rehbari Shura', has been named as Afghanistan's new head of state by the insurgent group's top leader Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzada, according to a Pakistani media report.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Chairman of Taliban's Political Office in Doha, and Mullah Abdus Salam will work as deputies of Mullah Hasan in the new Taliban government, which is likely to be announced next week, The News International reported, citing multiple sources.
Det här går emot spekulationerna i västerländsk press om att Mullah Baradar, som är den som höll i förhandlingarna med USA, skulle bli den nya premiärministern. Mullah Hasan Akhund är har dock varit ordförande i talibanernas Shura-råd, som fungerat som deras regering, i 20 år, så det är inte konstigt om han får posten. Innan den amerikanska invasionen var han Afghanistans utrikesminister.
Mulla Yaqoob, son of the Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar, will be the new defence minister, the paper said.
Yaqoob was a student of Mullah Hebatullah, who had earlier appointed him as head of the powerful military commission of the Taliban.
Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of the notorious Haqqani network and son of the famous anti-Soviet warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani, is likely to get the portfolio of interior minister, while Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi will be the new foreign minister, according to the Taliban sources.
Talibanernas talesman Mullah Zabiullah Mujahid, som synts mest i media, påstås bli den högste ledaren Mullah Hebatullah Akhundzadas talesman. Oklart om det är en befordran jämfört med posten som informationsminister.
Citing the Taliban sources, the paper said Mullah Zabiullah Mujahid, whose name was earlier proposed for information minister, will now be the spokesperson for the new head of state.
Senast redigerad av Regulus 2021-09-07 kl. 15:25.
Senast redigerad av Regulus 2021-09-07 kl. 15:25.