Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2002-11-01, 21:43
The Business
The Opressed
The Warriors
The Gonads
Toy Dolls
Cock Sparrer
Sham 69
Cockney Rejects
The Adicts
Last Resort
The Partisans

2002-11-02, 00:34
ryllemans avatar
bra svenska oi-band är bla Dim´s Rebellion, Clockwork Crew, Guttersnipe, Voice of a Generation, Bombshell Rocks, Boot Squad, Agent Bulldog. vill du köpa plattor kan jag rekommendera
2002-11-05, 04:02
Germanias avatar
Lite bra oi-band:
Klasse Kriminale, Boisterous, Condemned 84, Section 5, Nodo, Ocho Bolas, Die Lokale Matadore, Anti Heroes, Straw Dogs, Preassure 28, Close Shave, Exploited, Last Resort, Combat 84, The Crack, One Way System, Youth Defence League, The Uprise.

Jag gillar särskilt skivan Oi! It's a World League med blandad oi från hela världen.
2002-11-05, 08:30
Hylands avatar
Re: Zigga Zagga Zigga Zagga Oi Oi Oi!

Ursprungligen postat av Gladiator
Här är dom första och bästa oi-banden: (rekommenderade med fet stil)

Cockney Rejects
Peter & The Test Tube Babies
Terrible Twins
Angelic Upstarts
Cock Sparrer
Barney & The Rubbles
Max Splodge & Desert Island Joe
The Strike
Infa Riot
The Last Resort
Criminal Class
The Toy Dolls
The Business
The Partisans
The Ejected
The Gonads
Red Alert
The Opressed
Five O
The Warriors

Det finns givetvis många fler, men de här banden finns med på på de fyra första Oi-skivorna. (originalen).
Den första som tar med Cockney Rejects! Grattis! Va fanimej på tiden.
2003-10-03, 20:09
Jello biafras avatar
Svenska OI! band?

Någon som kan tipsa om några bra opolitiska oi!band typ wildcat strike o agent bulldogg??
2003-10-03, 21:45
ryllemans avatar
Boot Squad
Bombshell Rocks
Voice of a Generation
the Clockwork Crew
Dim's Rebellion
2003-10-04, 08:32
tattoosandbeers avatar
Ja det finns ett gäng, men jag gillar skarpt Jinx, Svårt att säga att det är Oi dock men folk som gillar Oi brukar gilla dom å.
2003-10-19, 02:20

Tjena, ja funderar på om någon orkar reda ut begreppet oi! för mig?
Ja vet i grova drag vad det handlar om, men jag menar lite mer utförligt som ev. historia.
Tack på förhand
2003-10-19, 03:33
cartmans avatar
Begreppet OI! vart väl myntat av Gary Bushell för en benämning av den subgenre av punken.
[edit] Det var mest fylledravvel innan...
2003-10-19, 13:20
11:48s avatar
saxat från

Oi! started pretty much in the latter part of '77 as a reaction to the more arty turn punk had been taking at the time. It was an attempt to bring punk back to the subject matter that affected working-class street kids' day-to-day life, and musically it was based on early punk bands such as the Clash and the Ramones mixed with early british rock like the Stones and the Who. The bands were often comprised of punks and skinheads, and the music was always a favorite of skins'. At the time the term Oi! didn't exist as a musical description, and this particular style of punk was called "Street-punk" or "reality-punk". The original oi bands included Cock Sparrer, the Cockney Rejects, Angelic Upstarts, Slaughter and the Dogs, Skrewdriver, the Lurkers and the most well-known was probably Sham 69.

Unfortunately, during this time many (but not all!) skinheads had been recruited by right-wing, racist organizations such as the National Front, and the music began to be associated with racism in the minds of many people, which is an unfortunate myth that continues to the present day, with many mainstream histories of rock dismissing all oi as being racist music. None of the original streetpunk bands were racist or espoused right-wing politics with the exception of Skrewdriver, although they didn't make their views public until the early 80's. (Their early material is considered to be classic oi by most).

Anyway, by the early '80s there was a whole new movement built around the streetpunk sound with the most well-known oi! bands, including the Business, the Last Resort, the 4Skins, Combat 84, Infa-Riot etc. This movement was labelled "Oi!" by music journalist Gary Bushell, and the movement was seen as promoting unity between punks and skinheads. There was also, at this time, a small neo-nazi rock scene emerging headed by Skrewdriver, and the music these bands made was basically the same as Oi, but the bands sought to distance themselves from punk in general, preferring the term "R.A.C." (rock against communism). These bands really had nothing to do with the oi scene besides a similarity in musical style and the fact that they were supposedly "skinheads" (most skinheads i know would beg to differ).

Anyway, the oi movement started to lose momentum in the U.K. by the mid-'80s, but at that time healthy oi scenes were developping all over Europe, North America and even in Japan. For some reason in the mid-'90s there has been a huge revival of interest in oi music, with literally hundreds of new bands emerging, and bands that had been around for years finally getting the recognition they deserve. There is a much more concerted effort nowadays to dissassociate racism from oi in the minds of the public, and today all of the bands recognized as being part of the current oi scene are openly anti-racist. (Meanwhile, nazi music has turned away from oi and towards realy bad heavy metal). Some of the better oi bands today would include the Templars, the Wretched Ones, Those Unknown, the Lager Lads (from my hometown, Windsor) and Oxymoron
2003-10-19, 19:36
diskodiks avatar
Tackar för den lilla historielektionen, om än kopierad! :-)
2003-12-15, 12:19
tackar tackar!

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