Vill tipsa om denna låt som dök upp i spellistan för en stund sedan.
Jag blir så löjligt glad av den, den får mig att vilja dansa, fastän att jag inte dansar.
Tom MacDonald - "The System"
Can't you see? I'm the system, my whole purpose is divide
What you choose will never matter because everything is mine
Bra text
Welcome to the world, baby boy, I'll paint you red and white and blue
The indoctrination starts as soon as you come out the womb
Pretty quick we'll make you stupid with curriculums at school
And if the classroom doesn't do the trick, we'll make you watch the news
Pick your team, right or left, pick the red pill or the blue
You can vote, but even if you win, still everyone will lose
Don't forget to buy designer because Gucci makes you cool
We prioritize material belongings over truth
Get a job that you can't stand so you can buy some cans of food
Go overseas and die for freedom, there's some oil we could use
Our democracy exists so that you think that you could choose
But our algorithms make you do what we want you to do
What's the problem, you're depressed? Society has you confused?
We got medication for you that you'll probably abuse
Go get married to a lady who also don't have a clue
And pump out a few babies that are just the same as you
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the world, baby girl, I'll paint you pink if that's okay
We'll encourage self-destruction through the music that you play
We divided all the men by tryin' politics and race
And honestly, it's workin' awesome, so for you we'll do the same
Never teachin' you to love yourself, inject you full of hate
Objectify your sexuality then blame you for the rape
And weaponize the differences that make our men and women great
And just to screw with you, erase the genders, everyone's the same
We'll empower you with rights to vote and fight for equal pay
Then have the men turn into women and you'll fight for them again
But you thought you had it figured out, but everything has changed
Welcome to the system, please enjoy your stay
Here's a Bible and a bottle of the cheapest booze we make
Find a man who can take care of you to fill the holes we made
Buy a house and settle down, fulfill your duty, procreate
And make a couple babies who will also do the same
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the world, everybody, I'ma paint you black and white
I'ma make you hate each other so that everyone will fight
I'ma give you all religion, let the righteous find the light
But I will also give you science to oppose the Word of Christ
And I'ma give you borders, they're imaginary lines
If you cross them, go to war and win when everybody dies
And I'ma give you money that you'll value more than life
And let the one percent have everything while you fight to survive
And then I'll give you politics, I'll call it left and right
And while you divide yourselves, I will conquer both the sides
Can't you see? I'm the system, my whole purpose is divide
What you choose will never matter because everything is mine
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Welcome to the system, everyone's a victim
Doesn't matter if you're black or white, it hates you all
Here inside the system, violence is a symptom
Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong
Jag råkade av en slump när jag kollade på lite live musik på tuben snubbla över The Warning, ett mexikanskt rock/metal band bestående av tre tjejer. De som slog mig var vilken live närvaro de hade och hur bra de låter live. Det känns som det är fullt fokus på musiken också, ingen konstig sminkning, inga masker, ingen vågad klädsel. Trodde verkligen inte att tre tjejer från Mexiko som knappt var födda när jag såg min första Iron Maiden spelning, skulle få mig att känna fan vilket band, dessa vill jag se live. Jag tycker också att alla i bandet får tid att briljera lite som Rush och Iron Maiden, även om de musikmässigt ligger närmare Black Sabbath och Metallica.
Loopstep gör så härlig progressive psy, han presenterar enkelt fram nya ljud ett & ett, och sedan lägger ihop dom med olika kombinationer, sedan när "alla ljud" är inne i mixern så låter det helt magiskt för en stund.
Coolt att han kan göra allt det med tanke på hur simpla ljuden är i sig själva.
Ja visst är väldigt mycket sådan här musik gjort med det receptet men det går verkligen proggresivt tekniskt framåt en, en till, och sen 'boom' är man inne i en mixer aven mezmiriserande ljudstorm,
Underbar arbetarklass country, fantastisk röst. Avskalat med känsla.
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away
It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is
Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond
Rekomenderade låtar: Just as Was Told, Falling from Cloud 9, Waiting to Hit
Beskrivning: Det första och enda albumet av Lift to Experience, och vilken märklig historia denna skiva är. Om man kan se bortom det rent gräsliga skivomslaget och den smått bisarra premissen för skivan (ett konceptalbum om att Jesus återvänder och upprättar Texas som det nya heliga landet) så belönas man med en av de bästa shoegaze-skivorna som någonsin gjorts.
Kan bara instämma! Varit smått besatt av "Undantag" ett tag. Musiken har mycket influenser från förr, men samtidigt något modernt över sig.
Exakt, själva melodin känns som något barnrprogram från 70-talet ā la Jojje Wadenius, men groovet och produktionen är modernt och så funky att det hade kunnat användas till hiphop-musik lika gärna
Ursprungligen postat av lissajonees
Ring a Ring a (Squid Game 2)
Gaah, har gått och nynnat på denna i veckor, helt omöjlig att få ur skallen! Känns familjär någonstans, som någon svensk visa
Kan rekommendera det finlandsvenska bandet "Vasas flor och Fauna" för de som inte hört. Blande de bästa jag hört på svenska de senaste 10 åren. Kan framförallt rekommendera albumet Kajanaland.
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