Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2022-10-22, 21:19
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Former China Leader Hu Abruptly Leaves Xi’s Side at Congress

The incident saw Xi turning toward Hu as he prepared to leave. Li Zhanshu, chair of the national legislature’s Standing Committee -- who was sitting on Hu’s other side -- tried to physically assist the former leader, until party secretariat chief Wang Huning gestured for him to stand down.

The official Xinhua News agency reported that Hu had “insisted” on attending the session even though he had been recuperating recently, according to its official Twitter account. His staff accompanied him to a separate room to rest after he felt unwell during the session and Hu is “much better” now, Xinhua said.

On China’s Twitter-like Weibo, the incident appeared to have been censored, with searches for Hu Jintao only returning posts published before the weekend on Saturday afternoon. While the platform’s top ten trending items were dominated by the congress, Hu’s early exit wasn’t among them.

Hu fördes ut med våld så att det skulle ha med vacklande hälsa att göra är naturligtvis en direkt lögn.
2022-10-22, 21:33
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Xi Set to Dominate China Leadership After One-Time Rivals Depart

President Xi Jinping is officially set for a third term surrounded by allies, after key Communist Party officials without close ties to the Chinese leader exited the nation’s top leadership body.

Xi, 69, presided over the closing session of the congress on Saturday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In a moment of unscripted drama, a frail-looking Hu Jintao, 79 -- Xi’s predecessor who was seated next to the Chinese leader -- was escorted out of the event for unknown reasons before it closed Saturday, causing some momentary disruption on stage.

Xi’s presence on the Central Committee confirmed the end of the party’s informal retirement age of 68, which had held for two decades. In all, almost two-thirds of the body -- including full and alternate members -- are new, the highest turnover in 25 years.

Former president Jiang Zemin established the retirement rule in the party’s 2002 reshuffle. The two-term succession system was established by reformer Deng Xiaoping three decades ago to avoid a return to the personality-driven rule of Mao Zedong.

It was kept in place by Hu Jintao, whose exit mid-way through Saturday’s session carried symbolic weight. Officials closely associated with Hu have largely been removed from the next Politburo, with the exception of Vice Premier Hu Chunhua. Mentions of Hu Jintao’s early departure from the congress session were censored within China.

The biggest question now heading into Sunday is whether Hu Chunhua, the most high-profile figure without close connections with Xi, will get a position on the Politburo Standing Committee. Wang Yang’s departure leaves Hu Chunhua as the only Central Committee member that has experience as vice premier, which has been a prerequisite for nearly every premier.

Still, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier that Li Qiang, the party chief of Shanghai and a close Xi aide, is set to become premier -- a move that would further erode the lines between the party and the government. It’s possible that Li Qiang could yet be named a vice premier in the months ahead of the next National People’s Congress session in March, when top government roles are filled.
2022-10-22, 22:15
provinsen-taiwans avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sinestro
Selina Wang

Du refererar ett twitterkonto som källa?
2022-10-22, 23:12
COV-NL63s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sinestro
Former China Leader Hu Abruptly Leaves Xi’s Side at Congress

Hu fördes ut med våld så att det skulle ha med vacklande hälsa att göra är naturligtvis en direkt lögn.

Så är det, se hela proceduren här se även farvälklappen på Li Keqiangs axel.

Detta är signalen från Xi att han rensar ut alla som kan utgöra opposition.

“Complete Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation”, “Socialist Market Economy”, “Common Prosperity” & “Dual Circulation” are formally written into the revised CCP Party Constitution.

De som fortfarande har aktier i bolag som har viktig produktion i Kina bör sälja dem på måndag. (Tesla, Apple mm) Alla västerländska bolag bör snarast ta hem anställda och stänga ner fabriker; det kommer att bli skakigt i Kina framöver och om Xi gör något dumt kommer det bli hårda sanktioner.

Jag hade tidigare trott att den ekonomiska nedgången skulle slå hårdare mot Kina redan i sommar, men missade att eftersom det inte är ett västerländskt land kan regimen försena informationen om att den ekonomiska kollapsen sprider sig vilket skulle leda till att medborgarna skulle agera. Nu har de embargo på info om BNP som ju är värre än väntat.
In striking recent research, Luis Martinez, an economist at the University of Chicago, used data on night-time light intensity from satellite imagery to show that Chinese GDP growth over the past 20 years may have been about a third slower than reported each year, leaving its economy significantly smaller than the US, rather than slightly larger.

Istället för snabb nedgång blir det pyspunka. Men, ingen kan i längden motverka verkligheten, vi får hoppas att vägen mot undergång med Xi i spetsen ändras ASAP.
2022-10-23, 01:08
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Ursprungligen postat av provinsen-taiwan
Du refererar ett twitterkonto som källa?

Ja, en CNN-reporter. Vad är problemet?
2022-10-23, 04:26
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Gordon G. Chang

Xinhua’s explanation is not consistent with the video. For instance, in the video no one shows the surprise or concern one would expect to see in a medical emergency. Xi Jinping is especially disrespectful.
2022-10-23, 04:30
provinsen-taiwans avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sinestro
Gordon G. Chang

Snart citerar du säkert Peter Zeihan också…
2022-10-23, 09:20
wwrs avatar
Kineserna kör på i god stil. Xi får ännu mer makt. Hu Jintao (som ansågs som en hårdför ledare som minskade friheter) släpades ut typ "Du mår inte bra nu, vi skall hjälpa dig till sjukhus". Vi är på väg i samma riktning.
2022-10-23, 09:44
MasterBaits avatar
“Xi kommer inte att bli omvald”
”Det är en kupp på gång”
”Alla har vänt sig emot Xi”
”Xi har misslyckats totalt”
”Xi är för sjuk för att bli omvald”

Tröttnar inte ni anti-Kina propagandister att ha fel hela tiden?
2022-10-23, 10:13
RysslandSplittrass avatar
Ursprungligen postat av MasterBait
”Xi har misslyckats totalt”

Han har ju i alla fall lyckats pressa ner vinstförväntningarna.

Hong Kong stocks hit 13-year low as Chinese growth slows

Hang Seng index falls as much as 3% to lowest level since May 2009

Shares in Hong Kong dropped to their lowest level since the end of the global financial crisis as investors reacted to the city’s economic recovery plans and the 20th Chinese Communist party congress in Beijing, where President Xi Jinping is expected to secure a third term.
2022-10-23, 10:17
wwrs avatar
Hong Kong har ju kineserna också förstört nu. Bara kandidater som godkänts som "patriotiska" fick ställa upp i valen som bojkottades. Många västerlänningar och tidningsredaktioner som NY Times har lämnat Hong Kong. Inte underligt om börsen går dåligt där när makten centraliseras mer.
2022-10-23, 12:05
platyzmas avatar
Hu Jintao bortförd alltså? ”Diktatorförlängning” av ämbetstid är knappast populärt i hela partiet…

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