Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2022-07-06, 11:31
Shadowk102s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
"Hitler was probably the hero of the second world war and the 21st century. A man of ethical courage, a man of spiritual perception and good intent. A spiritual soul who cared – cared about all life forms, all cultures, about goodness and Light and ultimately about Truth.

Because he was one of the good guys."

"The German Parliament in 1945 was an elected assembly of deputies endorsed by the German electorate. Recognised and respected in international law the lawful German government never surrendered. The post-war imposed government by the military victors is illegal as is the
fraudulent constitution that consigns defeated Germany to the status of an American Occupied nation."

"LLOYD GEORGE: upon his return following a visit to Hitler, his daughter greeted
Lloyd George, humorously with a "Heil Hitler!"

"Yes, Heil Hitler. I too, say that because he is truly a great man. I have never met a
happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men among the
distinctly great men that I have ever encountered.""

“Germany is not responsible for World War Two, but the allies who won World War One were responsible.”

Sanning = Adolf Hitler var god.
Lögnen = Förintelsen.
Haha som ett skämt är det här inlägget. Finns mycket bevis på krig, förstörelse och massmord i Polen och Europa av tysktalande soldater. morfar, mormor och farfar i min familj har berättat om dessa händelser under Andra världskriget. Det är dåligt att ljuga i Sverige!
2022-07-06, 11:41
Ursprungligen postat av Shadowk102
Haha som ett skämt är det här inlägget. Finns mycket bevis på krig, förstörelse och massmord i Polen och Europa av tysktalande soldater. morfar, mormor och farfar i min familj har berättat om dessa händelser under Andra världskriget. Det är dåligt att ljuga i Sverige!

"Finns mycket bevis på krig" = Judarna skapade världskriget.

"förstörelse" = Judarna förstörde hela Europa.

"massmord" = Judarna mördade flera miljoner vita.

"Polen" = Dem började mörda Tyskar först och ville inte samtala om fred.

"morfar, mormor och farfar i min familj har berättat om dessa händelser" = Har ingen betydelse för dem vet inget om sammanhanget.

"Det är dåligt att ljuga i Sverige!" = Så varför ljuger du?
2022-07-06, 22:40
Brajias avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
"Han ledde en nation av ariska övermänniskor och blev besegrad av sovjetiska träskmänniskor (Finansierad av Judiska banker) , feta amerikaner (Finansierad av Judiska banker) och brittiska pervon (Finansierad av Judiska banker och fick drunkna i bankskulder till judarna). "

"Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole (Jewish) Capitalist and (Jewish) Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the (Jewsish) Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the text- books of public (government) schools today."

“(Jewish) President Roosevelt opened a virtually unlimited credit line (initially $1 billion) to order whatever Stalin desired, in exchange for nothing whatsoever. This $1 billion of strategic exports to Stalin were made without Congressional approval or the American public being informed about it… Remarkably, lend-lease aid to the Soviet Union continued after Germany had been defeated…The Soviet wartime debts were written off in 1951 at two cents on the dollar. By contrast, Great Britain paid its debts in full, with interest, until 2006.”

"In 1941, the Soviet war industry would not be able to function properly without massive American aid. The United States sent to Stalin’s war factories monthly deliveries of armor plate (1,000 tons), sheet steel (8,000 tons), steel wire (7,000 tons), steel wire rope (1,200 tons), tool steel (500 tons), aluminum ingots (1,000 tons), duralumin (250 tons), tin (4,000 tons), toluol (2,000 tons), ferro chrome (200 tons), ferro silicon (300 tons), rolled brass (5,000 tons), and copper tubes (300 tons). The Red Army lost 20,500 tanks between June and November 1941, amounting to 80% of Stalin’s armored strength"

Även den mest patetiska soldater skulle kunna besegra super soldater, när alla patetiska soldater behöver inte följa krigslagarna, och bli finansierad av Judiska banker hela tiden, och kan då skicka flera miljoner patetiska soldater in i döden flera gånger om, och varje attacker kommer med tiden försvaga super soldaternas ställning, och då är det bara en tidsfråga innan alla patetiska soldater vinner.

"Hur fan kan man misslyckas så jävla totalt?" = För Adolf Hitler var aldrig en krigs galen värsting ondskefull monster som ville ta över världen. Tyskland följde krigslagarna så gott det gick som deras fienden aldrig gjorde själva.

För att veta mer kan man läsa The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry.

Om Adolf Hitler skulle varit den onda filmskurken som judiska filmer alltid säger till oss, då skulle han bara använt direkt nervgas som Tyskland hade för säkerhetens skull om fienden skulle använda det först.

Exempel ville Winston Churchill använda gas mot civilbefolkning men tur nog blev nedröstad. Franklin D. Roosevelt ville smuggla in kemiska vapen som var Gas till Bari Harbor i sydöstra Italien för att använda det mot Oskyldiga Tyskar. Men tur nog lyckades Luftwaffe stoppa det i tid 2 december 1943.

Om Benito Mussolini hade varit precis som Adolf Hitler skulle man vunnit och besegrat den judiska makten.
Jaha? Så han band ris om egen rygg och allierade sig med en fet pastaälskare? När han borde insett att det krävdes total dedikation för att skapa det tredje riket? Sicken undermänniska, slavmentalitet! PATETISK!
2022-07-06, 22:44
Ursprungligen postat av Brajia
Jaha? Så han band ris om egen rygg och allierade sig med en fet pastaälskare? När han borde insett att det krävdes total dedikation för att skapa det tredje riket? Sicken undermänniska, slavmentalitet! PATETISK!

Adolf Hitler borde inte varit så snäll mot Benito Mussolini som gjorde många dumma beslut, som att skapa krig i Nordafrika eller angripa Grekland som skapade stora förseningar för Operation Barbarossa.
2022-07-07, 12:53
DrLECTERs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
Mina kunskaper om ämnet som jag har jobbat med många år nu, bara bekräftar för mig att förintelsen är en hoax.

Om man ska förstå mig måste man först förstå vad jag menar med "förintelse".

1 Det fanns ingen plan med en systematiskt system som skulle ha som mål att utrota alla judar.
2 Det fanns inga Tyska förintelselägren som skulle ha som mål att mörda människor medvetet bara på grund av vilken religion/ras dem tillhörde.
3 Det fanns ingen Hitler order om att förinta någon ras.

Förintelsen lögnen är bara uppbyggd av känslor, men jag bryr mig inte om känslor och bara fråga efter fakta.
Du gör det lite väl lätt för Dig tycker jag.
Hoax det ordet får Du utveckla.
Sedan skriver Du så man kan tro att Du suttit med på alla möten med Hitler när belsut togs.
Du får nog komma med en betydligt djupare analys för att jag ska tro Dig. Missförstå mig inte Har
Du något jag inte känner till så läser jag gärna vad Du kommit fram till.
2022-07-07, 13:37
Ursprungligen postat av DrLECTER
Du gör det lite väl lätt för Dig tycker jag.
Hoax det ordet får Du utveckla.
Sedan skriver Du så man kan tro att Du suttit med på alla möten med Hitler när belsut togs.
Du får nog komma med en betydligt djupare analys för att jag ska tro Dig. Missförstå mig inte Har
Du något jag inte känner till så läser jag gärna vad Du kommit fram till.

Hur menar du när du skriver djupare analys?

Folk tolkar ordet på olika sätt.

Förintelsen har ingen djupare analys.

"All this was inspired by the principle which is quite true in itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corruptible in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily had, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are readily fall victims to the big lie than to the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters, but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehood.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so are put clearly before them, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation, for the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down—a fact which all expert liars in this world and all who conspire together in the art of lying know only too well and exploit in the basest manner.

From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited."

Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race?

And what a race!"One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He called the Jew" the great master of lies. "

Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping truth to prevail. "
Mein Kampf Stalag Edition. Page 259.

" the great master of lies. " = Holocaust.
Senast redigerad av Sverige1990 2022-07-07 kl. 14:35.
2022-07-07, 13:38
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
"The Jew being the Master of Projection, lied, and took what they did to the Gentiles (Non-jews) in the Gulags (Äkta dödsläger system), and claimed it was what the Germans did to them!":
= Gäller stor del alla brott Tyskarna "anklagades" för av Judarna.

"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing. Even today, large parts of world opinion are convinced that the typical characteristics of German propaganda are lying, crudeness, reversing the facts, and the like. One needs only to remember the stories that were spread throughout the world at the beginning of the war about German soldiers chopping off children’s hands and crucifying women to realize that Germany then was a defenseless victim of this campaign of calumny. It neither had nor used any means of defense."
Goebbels at Nuremberg — 1934.

"On February 29, 1944 the British Ministry of Information issued a letter to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) along with high-ranking members of the British clergy urging these groups to cooperate with an orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to distract the British and American public from the murderous acts committed by the approaching Russian (Jewish) Bolshevik army by accusing the Germans of far more monstrous crimes against humanity:"

“A war is lost only when its own territory is occupied by the enemy, the leading stratum of the defeated people is tried in war crimes trials and the defeated are subjected to a re-education process. An obvious remedy for this is to plant the story in the brains of the vanquished from the point of view of the victors. Of crucial importance is the transfer of the ‘moral categories’ of the war propaganda of the victors into the consciousness of the vanquished. Only when the war propaganda of the victors has found its way into the history books of the vanquished and is also believed by the following generations, then only then can the re-education really be considered successful. ”

Walter Lippmann (1889-1974, American journalist, editor-in-chief of the New York World, correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune, his commentary appeared intermittently in more than 250 newspapers)

“We’ve won this war through atrocity propaganda and we’re just starting right now. We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will increase it until no one is going to adopt a good word from the Germans until everything is destroyed that could bring them sympathy in other countries and until they are so confused that they no longer know what they are should do. When this is achieved, when they begin to pollute their own nest, not reluctantly but with zeal to obey the victors, only then is the victory complete. It will never be final. The re-education requires conscientious, undecayed care like an English lawn. Only a moment of carelessness and the weeds break through, this ineradicable weed of historical truth. ”

An Allied Ummer to Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich Grimm (author of the extremely readable book “Political Justice – the disease of our time”, Bonn 1953)

"Sefton Delmer was the guy the British put in charge of Black Propaganda (lying). In September 1940, Delmer was recruited by the Political Warfare Executive (PWE),[9] to organize black propaganda broadcasts to Nazi Germany as part of a psychological warfare campaign. Leonard Ingrams gained clearance for Delmer to work for the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office."

"Stalin's Torch-men-Order#0428" = Soldater från Sovjetunionen tar på sig Tyska uniformer och utför krigsbrott mot Civila och medvetet låta några överleva för att kunna bli "vittnen" om "Tyskarnas" krigsbrott.

Glöm aldrig att Stalin la skulden på Tyskarna för Katyn massacre.

Håller vi oss till folkmord så slår den judiska kommunismen allt med häst längder. = Har mördat över 100 miljoner människor över världen och sifforna bara stiger med varje år.

Armeniska folkmordet. = Var mycket judiskt.
Oklart hur dina källbomber och ditt inlägg relaterar till mitt?
2022-07-07, 13:42
Ursprungligen postat av hahahohoyrsovane
Oklart hur dina källbomber och ditt inlägg relaterar till mitt?

Du nämnde inte att Armeniska folkmordet var judiskt och Kommunismen som har gjort den största folkmordet i modern historia.
2022-07-07, 18:39
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
Hur menar du när du skriver djupare analys?

Folk tolkar ordet på olika sätt.

Förintelsen har ingen djupare analys.

"All this was inspired by the principle which is quite true in itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corruptible in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily had, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are readily fall victims to the big lie than to the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters, but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehood.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so are put clearly before them, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation, for the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down—a fact which all expert liars in this world and all who conspire together in the art of lying know only too well and exploit in the basest manner.

From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited."

Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race?

And what a race!"One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He called the Jew" the great master of lies. "

Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping truth to prevail. "
Mein Kampf Stalag Edition. Page 259.

" the great master of lies. " = Holocaust.

Förstå den goda sanningen om Adolf Hitler måste man förstå det här också.

"In short, THE problem with the world today is Judaism!

Make no mistake; there is no . . . good Jew, bad Jew, or whatever Jew.

It is not a subset of Judaism, not Jewish Bolsheviks, not Zionism, not Frankfurters,

not Cabalists, not Freemasons, not Neocons, not the Kosher Nostra,

not the Anglo-Zionist Empire, not the Deep State and it is not the Khazarian Mafia.

The white genocide agenda is under direct orders from the Kehilla (aka Cahilla) —

the modern-day Sanhedrin made up of Pharisees that runs the world via the banking system,

and this is where reform must begin. When every corporation and most politicians tout

gender dysphoria, illegal immigration, and miscegenation, you know they are all controlled

by the Jewish central banks. The Fed must be nationalized, and debt

(i.e. Federal Reserve Notes) created from thin air renounced.

To prevent this from happening, the Masonic Jewish (Satanist) bankers have weaponized

immigration and miscegenation against the founding peoples of the West.

They attack race, religion (God), nation and family (gender) to weaken us.

Our “leaders” are the bankster frontmen and globalist traitors, whose only loyalty is to

the “Tribe” – always the “Tribe”, sometimes known as the Hive. A resurgence of European

national consciousness and racial conscience is their worst nightmare, as it would

be followed by a widespread revival of a genuine (and perhaps militant) Christianity.

However, the bankers would destroy the economy or even destroy the world if their credit

monopoly, fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking system were ever threatened using their "Sampson Option".

It is simply the scourge of Judaism in the

guise of today’s modern day Anti-Christ Talmudic

Pharisees, that even Christ called . . . . The Seed of Satan.

He also called their congregations of moneychangers the “Synagogue of Satan”

Christ har rätt.
2022-07-08, 21:26
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
Du nämnde inte att Armeniska folkmordet var judiskt och Kommunismen som har gjort den största folkmordet i modern historia.

"The true Holocaust is what the Jews do to other races."

Varför får judar förinta oss alla utan att vi gör något åt saken?

Varför ska vi andra ens bryr oss om den påhittade "6 miljoner judar förintelsen"?

Varför ska vi lyssna på judarnas version om Adolf Hitler?

Varför förstå inte kristna vad Jesus sa om Judarna?

Inte ens Gud gillar judarna, därför har judarna Djävulen som sin gud.

"A century of partial tolerance gave us Jews access to your world. In that period the great attempt was made, by advance guards of reconciliation, to bring our two worlds together. It was a century of failure. Our Jewish radicals are beginning to understand it dimly. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God(Devil)-world, which it is not in your nature to build."
You Gentiles by Samuel, Maurice, 1895-1972

"Yet we non-jews are called haters ,Supremacists and anti semites simply for quoting their own hords.

The sheer hypocracy ...

This book along with The Jewish Utopia by Higgier ,the Protocols of Zion , Racial program for the twentieth century . Blood passover by Toaff ,not to mention Their Talmud i think its quite clear their motives ... extermination of the white race ."

"Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world,his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind."
Adolf Hitler
Senast redigerad av Sverige1990 2022-07-08 kl. 22:11.
2022-07-09, 17:36
.Hellraiser.s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Linnaeuss
Jag bifogar detta från en annan tråd:
Men har du inte gjort den research och läst Mein Kampf?
Han skriver ju där me egna ord att han vill ha Lebensraum för arier.
Det 'livsrummet' e landområden som Tyskland ska ta från andra länder och folk.

Hitler menade att de pågår en ständig kamp om territorium mellan raser.

*Edit: Såhär skulle de tredje riket se ut: https://external-content.duckduckgo....gif&f=1&nofb=1
Senast redigerad av .Hellraiser. 2022-07-09 kl. 17:38. Anledning: *
2022-07-09, 17:52
.Hellraiser.s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sverige1990
"Jews persecuted for no reason whatsoever?" = Se detta video snälla.
Jag är medveten om konspirationsteorin att judar e extremt mäktiga och inflytelserika och bidrar till dekadens och perversion. Vi lever i ett perverst samhälle idag där dom som e perversa och korrupta slinker igenom livet enklare än andra. Men frågan e om ja tycker att denna dekadens och detta stenperversa samhälle verkligen e nåt dåligt. E ja emot rasblandning? Nej.

På frågan va ja tycker om judar skulle ja svara: Ja varken gillar dom eller hatar dom. Men skulle ja få ett erbjudande av en jude som ja skulle tjäna på att samarbeta med honom så skulle ja det, även om de va omoraliskt.


"This Is Communism -Untold Truth WAKE UP World"
Kommunismen e inte god, om du trodde det.
Ja ser att Anton LaVey är med i videon. Menar du att satanism på ngt sätt
e del av denna ondska som omsluter kommunism och NWO?
För som ja förstått det, så har satanismen en central roll i NWO
och nedmonteringen av de kristna samhället.

"Så precis allt som sägs om Adolf Hitler idag e lögn?" = Precis allt. Därför finns det folk som gillar Adolf Hitler för dem vågade att gräva fram sanningen om honom.

"vad e de dom har ljugit om?" = Den officiella versionen om Adolf Hitler och alla dumma myter visar till dig vad man hade ljugit om.

"Deceiving Germany and the world with jewish LIES!!" = Atrocity Propaganda har som uppgift hjärntvätta världen med lögner att Adolf Hitler var ond och Tyskarna var onda och Tyskland var ond.

Tyskland ville göra Ryssland fri från Stalin.

"Sick and Evil World by Dr William Pierce"

"The mountains of Hitler books based on blind hatred and ignorance do little to describe or explain the most powerful man the world has ever seen. How, I ponder, do these thousands of disparate portraits of Hitler in any way resemble the man I knew? The Hitler seated beside me, standing up, talking, listening. It has become almost impossible to explain to people fed fantastic tales for decades that what they have read or have heard on television just does not correspond to the truth."

Ja kan liksom köpa att vissa saker som sägs om Hitler har spätts på,
men de finns vissa saker med honom som e svåra att förneka.
Rashierarkin, planer för lebensraum osv. talar mer om att han va en ond kålsupare som många andra.

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