Det börjar bli lite sent så jag lämnar diskussionen för idag med detta uttalande från fem regeringar som beskriver hur demokratin urholkats i Hong Kong.
Britterna tog fram bra villkor för Hong Kong. Folk gillade att bo där. Affärerna fortsatte. Det var smidigt med förhållandevis lite byråkrati. Efter 2018 har stora protester utbrutit, folk drar därifrån, tidningar stängs. Valen bojkottas. Detta eftersom HK mer och mer liknar fastlandskina.
Därför har fem regeringar skrivit detta.
Press release
Hong Kong elections, 20 December 2021: Foreign Secretary's joint statement with international partners
The UK, along with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, has issued a statement following the Hong Kong legislative council elections.
Joint statement by foreign ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the United States Secretary of State:
We, the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, noting the outcome of the Legislative Council elections in Hong Kong, express our grave concern over the erosion of democratic elements of the Special Administrative Region’s electoral system. Actions that undermine Hong Kong’s rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy are threatening our shared wish to see Hong Kong succeed.
Since handover, candidates with diverse political views have contested elections in Hong Kong. Yesterday’s election has reversed this trend. ...
We also remain gravely concerned at the wider chilling effect of the National Security Law and the growing restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, ...