30 demokrater i Representanthuset kräver i brev till Biden att förhandla om fred med Ryssland.
USA har spenderat massor av miljarder dollar på Ukraina och kriget, miljoner människor är påverkade av kriget och nu hotar kärnvapen, säger de.
30 U.S. House Democrats Urge Biden To Seek Negotiated Settlement To War In Ukraine
Thirty members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Progressive Caucus have urged President Joe Biden to “pursue direct diplomacy” to seek a negotiated settlement to end the war in Ukraine.
The 30 lawmakers who signed a letter dated October 24 backing the pursuit of talks to end the war are members of Biden's Democratic Party.
“In recent weeks, the risk of nuclear war has increased, fighting escalated, and global economic insecurity deepened. Thousands of people are dead and tens of millions more impacted,” they added.
Citing their duty to approve the spending of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars on military assistance, they said they believe such involvement creates a responsibility “for the United States to seriously explore all possible avenues."