2021-12-29, 23:38
MasterBaits avatar
Ursprungligen postat av wwr
Jag ser inte s mnga knivar och Molotivcocktails hr. Detta r nog frn 2019.

Lnken som jag gav dig om fynden vid universitetet publicerades nov 2019.

nd rstade bara 30% nu. Nr s mnga bojkottar ett val r ngot fel.

Klart att ngot r fel. Trots att man i USA gr allt s krngligt som mjligt kring valen fr att andra fattiga omrden frn att rsta s tog sig nd 66% av de amerikanarna till vallokalerna i frra valet.

Hursomhelst r det bttre att titta p samtal och intervjuer med folk i Hongkong och om mjligt tala med dom sjlva fr att bttre frst hur de tnker. Oavsett hur mycket man litar p vstmedier eller inte s frstr nog alla att de mste ge en rtt s frenklad bild av situationen dr...

How do Hong Kong people feel about the elections, protests and struggles in HK? 香港人如何看國安法後的選舉和香港的未來?

Hong Kong Protests: the dark, silent (and hidden) side of Hong Kongers

How foreign media outlets post misleading reports on Hong Kong issue

Youtube SUPPRESSED my HK video - How the 5 Eyes control what you see

What Was British Hong Kong - A chat with a Hong Konger about China, HK & Life
2021-12-30, 00:39
MasterBaits avatar
USA har lagt en budget fr 2022 p $10.000.000 "to promote democracy in Hongkong".


SEC. 301. Authorization of appropriations for promotion of democracy in Hong Kong.

(a) Authorization of appropriations.There is authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2022 for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the Department of State to promote democracy in Hong Kong.

Man kommer ven att bygga upp en egen avdelning vid Department of State just fr detta ndaml.

Undrar ver exakt hur det skall g till. Tack och lov har HK bttre mjligheter att hantera yttre inflytande genom sina nya nationella skerhetslagar.

S vi fr vl se om USA kommer att gra samma frsk som tidigare genom att sponsra brkmakare och mer eller mindre rena terrorister som knivhugger poliser, antidemonstranter och brnner folk levande, precis som under USAs tidigare "demokratirrelser" som de satt igng i Hongkong under 2010-talet. 2022 kommer i vilket fall att bli ett intressant r...

Hong Kong man set on fire by protesters in November says he will continue to fight injustice

Hong Kong Cops Found Nearly 4,000 Petrol Bombs on Besieged University Campus

Hong Kong: Pro-Beijing politician stabbed in chest in street by knifeman calling him 'human scum'

Some Hong Kongers are glorifying a man who knifed a cop,

Silk and Steel EP36:Hong Kong Protest Violence with Toby Guu

Hong Kong Protests: the dark, silent (and hidden) side of Hong Kongers

How foreign media outlets post misleading reports on Hong Kong issue

Youtube SUPPRESSED my HK video - How the 5 Eyes control what you see

What Was British Hong Kong - A chat with a Hong Konger about China, HK & Life
Senast redigerad av MasterBait 2021-12-30 kl. 00:42.
2021-12-30, 00:51
Ursprungligen postat av MasterBait
USA har lagt en budget fr 2022 p $10.000.000 "to promote democracy in Hongkong".


Fantastiskt! 👍

Den socialdemokratiska ministren i Sverige hade aldrig vgat gra ngot liknande.

Svensk socialdemokrati handlar om att leverera tomma floskler om demokrati, fr att sedan handla med vrldens vrsta och mest mordiska diktaturer, ssom Folkmordsdiktaturen Kommunistkina.

ckligt, sossar. Orkar ni se er sjlva i spegeln?
2021-12-30, 01:01
MasterBaits avatar
Ursprungligen postat av RepublikenTaiwan
Fantastiskt! 👍

Se ven paragraf 212 och 213 i lnken. De handlar om Taiwan. Tyvrr mste jag nog gra dig besviken eftersom man fastslr att strategierna skall formas i enlighet med USAs "Ett-Kina" politik och att USAs hllning om att Taiwan tillhr Fastlandet som en kinesisk provins inte fr sidosttas.

Hela dokumentet r USAs "Strategic Competition Act of 2021 som r en femrsplan p 1,2 miljarder dollar fr att underkuva och trycka ner Kina. Eftersom ven ovanstende punkter gller fr fem r fr du allts du fr vnta i vilket fall ytterligare fem r innan USA kan besluta om ngon aktiv plan fr att splittra Taiwan frn Kina.
2021-12-30, 01:16
Ursprungligen postat av MasterBait
fr du allts du fr vnta i vilket fall ytterligare fem r innan USA kan besluta om ngon aktiv plan fr att splittra Taiwan frn Kina.

Behvs inte, eftersom att Taiwan aldrig ngonsin styrts av Folkmordsdiktaturen Kommunistkina, och drfr ej heller tillhrt Folkmordsdiktaturen Kommunistkina.
Senast redigerad av RepublikenTaiwan 2021-12-30 kl. 01:20.
2022-01-11, 13:41
wwrs avatar
Kina har infrt stora inskrnkningar i yttrandefriheten i Hong Kong vilka har tilltagit sedan i hstas. Detta har till stor del mrklagts i vstmedia.
Hong Kong
We fought the good fight: journalists in Hong Kong reel from assault on media

Newsrooms closures and exodus from territory are result of draconian national security law introduced in 2020

As the last news programme came to a close and anchors bade farewell to their online audience on 3 January, Chris Yeung, the founder and chief writer of Citizen News, gathered together his staff and tried to strike an optimistic tone.

Remember our very best memories, ...
"No one knows what will happen next. Dont worry. Just remember the happy things.

It was the day 90 largely pro-establishment legislators were sworn in. The previous evening, the independent Chinese-language news outlet of five years said it was closing. It justified the decision citing a deteriorating media environment and concerns for the safety of its staff.

On 4 January, another outlet, Mad Dog Daily, followed suit and halted operations together with Citizen News.

An exodus of journalists and editors from the territorys much-acclaimed news outlets such as Cable TV and its public broadcaster, RTHK, in the last couple of years have alarmed free speech campaigners in the city and beyond.

Barely a week ago, another Chinese-language outlet, Stand News, was forced to close after 200 police officers raided its office and detained seven current and former employees. Two former senior editors were charged with conspiring to publish seditious materials and denied bail.

The Stand News arrests came a day after Jimmy Lai, the former owner of the popular tabloid Apple Daily, and six of its former journalists were given new charges of conspiracy to print, publish, sell, offer for sale, distribute, display and/or reproduce seditious publications. Last June, the newspaper was forced to close. State media in Beijing called the newspaper a rotten apple that plagued Hong Kong for 20 years. Amnesty International said it was the blackest day for media freedom in Hong Kongs recent history.

Hong Kong once a bastion of free speech within Chinas territory the intensified move against independent news outlets began shortly after Beijing imposed a controversial national security law in the summer of 2020.

fake news legislation.

there have been waves of arrests of individuals from journalists to politicians who disagree with Beijing and the Hong Kong governments. According to Reporters Without Borders, close to two dozen journalists and press freedom campaigners have been arrested since the implementation of the National Security Law in June 2020.

Some opposition politicians including Nathan Law, once the youngest lawmaker in the history of the legislative council of Hong Kong are now living in exile.

But it is not only local Chinese-language news outlets that are feeling the chill. International news outlets such as the New York Times are already shifting their base to elsewhere in the region because according to the US company the national security law unsettled news organisations and created uncertainty about the citys prospects as a hub for journalism.
Senast redigerad av wwr 2022-01-11 kl. 13:51.
2022-01-11, 14:00
wwrs avatar
ven NYT instmmer. Och nr t.o.m. NYT antyder att Coronavirus anvnds politiskt r det s. NYT inleder sjlva ofta med 5 artiklar om Corona.
The Chinese government has used the national security law to crush Hong Kongs pro-democracy opposition with a ferocity that has surprised even some pro-Beijing officials in the territory.

With Security Law as a Cudgel, Beijing Cracks Down on Hong Kong
The spirit and the letter of the new law has been used to crush Hong Kongs opposition. In the latest blow to the pro-democracy movement, the government postponed an election, citing the coronavirus.

In the last week alone, the authorities have ousted a tenured law professor at the University of Hong Kong who has been a key figure in the citys democracy movement, and arrested four young activists on suspicion that they expressed support online for independence. They have also barred a dozen candidates from running for the legislature, using opposition to the security law as new ground for disqualification.

On Friday, the authorities postponed for a year the election itself, which had been scheduled for Sept. 6. While they cited the coronavirus pandemic as justification for the move, it underscored Beijings fears that pro-democracy candidates could triumph.
(juli 2020)
Senast redigerad av wwr 2022-01-11 kl. 14:15.
2022-01-11, 16:01
MasterBaits avatar
Ursprungligen postat av wwr
Kina har infrt stora inskrnkningar i yttrandefriheten i Hong Kong vilka har tilltagit sedan i hstas. Detta har till stor del mrklagts i vstmedia.


Hur exakt har yttrandefriheten i HK inskrnkts? Man slr ner p rrelser och journalister som sponsras utifrn (frn USA) i syfte att stra politiken i HK skapa ytterligare oro i regionen. Vad har det med yttrandefrihet att gra? Skulle USA tillta kinesiska anti-amerikanska tidningar i USA som nstlade in sig i politiken? Eller vldsamma motstndsrrelser som vill ndra det amerikanska systemet, som ven kastar molotovcocktails och attackerar poliser med kniv och andra vapen och tillhyggen? Det r det USA har gjort mot Hong Kong.

ven stora vsterlndska mediahus erknner att det r USA som ligger bakom och har sttt de extremt vldsamma demonstranterna i Hong Kong.

Trump Signed a Bill Supporting the Hong Kong Protests, and China Isnt Happy

Dozens of Hong Kong pro-democracy figures, including U.S. lawyer, arrested
Those arrested on suspicion of subversion included U.S. citizen John Clancey, an attorney and human rights advocate at the Ho Tse Wai & Partners law firm in Hong Kong and also chair of the Asian Human Rights Commission, a Hong Kong-based group that campaigns for greater human rights across the region. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/d...ested-n1252934

EXCLUSIVE Two rights groups quit Hong Kong as security law sends shudders through NGOs
"Another reason the NGO has moved, according to a source with direct knowledge, is that the NGO receives sizable funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), "

NED som enligt de sjlva r en front fr CIA fortstter ppet med det de gjort i Hong Kong:
2022-01-11, 16:07
LjusetsFamns avatar
Kina briljerar som vanligt nr det gller demokrati och yttrandefrihet.
2022-01-11, 16:15
Ursprungligen postat av wwr
Kina har infrt stora inskrnkningar i yttrandefriheten i Hong Kong vilka har tilltagit sedan i hstas. Detta har till stor del mrklagts i vstmedia.
Skojar du? Dessa pstenden gr p repeat dag ut och dag in i vsterlndsk media. Det som har mrkats r det brutala vldet mot oskyldiga meningsmotstndare frn "frihets och demokrati"-rrelsen i HK.
2022-01-11, 17:09
wwrs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av bajspundare
Skojar du? Dessa pstenden gr p repeat dag ut och dag in i vsterlndsk media. Det som har mrkats r det brutala vldet mot oskyldiga meningsmotstndare frn "frihets och demokrati"-rrelsen i HK.
Kina stnger tidningar i HK. Journalisterna flyr. Bde Guardian och NYT bekrftar. NYT drar till Taiwan. Bedrvligt att inte Flashback stller sig p demokratins sida utan kritiserar demonstranter!

Se s lite det varit p Flashback om detta. D gr det knappast "p repeat" i media.
2022-01-11, 17:14
Ursprungligen postat av wwr
Kina stnger tidningar i HK. Journalisterna flyr. Bde Guardian och NYT bekrftar. NYT drar till Taiwan. Bedrvligt att inte Flashback stller sig p demokratins sida utan kritiserar demonstranter!

Se s lite det varit p Flashback om detta. D gr det knappast "p repeat" i media.
Varfr mste alla p Flashback ha samma sikter som du? Sjlv tycker jag det r viktigt att kritisera demonstranter som anvnder brutalt vld mot fredliga meningsmotstndare i demokratins och frihetens namn.

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