Ukrainas nationella säkerhetsråd gjorde tidigare i år upp lista på oligarker med för stort inflytande.
Oligark =politiskt, ekonomiskt inflytande genom monopol, som också äger mediaföretag. Dessa 13 nedan kontrollerar minst 2/3 av media marknaden. Medvedchuk, Kolomoisky har förstås hamnat i onåd på sistone. Vissa är redan eftersökta och kan inte komma till Ukraina men har ändå inflytandet kvar via komplicerade äganden. De har också sina lojala i Rada.
Rinat Akhmetov, owner of the System Capital Management conglomerate;
Ihor Kolomoisky and his business partner Gennadiy Bogolyubov, who have extensive interests in media, finance and energy;
Dmytro Firtash, who has interests in nitrogen fertilisers, titanium and energy, including control of 80% of the electricity distribution companies connected to housing, but is currently in Vienna fighting a US extradition order;
Serhiy Lovochkin, who is a politician and ally of Medvedchuk;
Victor Pinchuk, who owns the Interpipe metallurgical company amongst other entities;
Kostyantyn Zhevago, who owns the metallurgical company Ferrexpo but is a fugitive after he was accused of looting his banks of $178mn;
Former President Petro Poroshenko, who has extensive investments into consumer goods, agriculture and real estate, and owns two TV channels;
Viktor Medvedchuk, who had an oil pipeline that was just nationalised as part of the new sanctions imposed on him, but also has extensive business interests in Crimea and Russia;
Vadym Novinsky, who is a wealthy Rada deputy.
Tidigare Kurchenko som flydde till Ryssland, är finansiär av konflikt i Donbass. Firtash, Lovochkin , Novinsky, Medvedchuk står också nära Putin. Pinchuk var Kuchmas svärson. Zhevago och Novinsky är uppåtgående oligarker, båda födda i Ryssland.